The foundation of responsible teaching and learning lies in the curricula. Karelia is committed to adhering to the recommendations set forth by The Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences Arene on the shared competences in the curricula of both bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes. The competencies describe the graduating student’s abilities from the perspectives of learning to learn, operating in a workplace, ethics, sustainable development, internationality and multiculturalism, and proactive development. We collaborate with the working life and students to develop and evaluate curricula and teaching. Together, the characteristics of future skill requirements are analysed to support our students’ employability, career paths, and ensure the availability of skilled workforce.
The common pedagogical principles that guide responsible teaching and learning at Karelia have been compiled under four different headings:
- As a learner, you are at the centre
- A community that supports your learning
- Together with work life
- Aiming for smooth and purposeful learning
The participatory process described by pedagogical principles depicts responsible learning through learner-centeredness, community collaboration, working life partnerships, and effective, high-quality teaching and learning. Karelia’s regulations governing education implementation, student rights, and obligations are outlined in the Degree Regulations. We do not tolerate cheating, plagiarism, falsification, or fabrication. Our commitment aligns with the guidelines set forth by The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK regarding good scientific practice and handling allegations of misconduct. In the Thesis Instructions at Karelia University of Applied Sciences, the principles of good scientific practice, data protection, and handling of personal information, as well as the use of artificial intelligence in theses and studies, are described for students. The instructions for the thesis supervisor (available in Finnish) support teachers in their guidance work.
Responsible teaching is also about accessibility. Together with the staff and students, we enhance the accessibility of teaching and learning environments according to the Accessibility plan. The foundation of responsible teaching at Karelia University of Applied Sciences is built upon Karelia’s values, attitudes, and organisational culture. Consideration of accessibility in student selection, accessible teaching and learning, support and guidance, and accessibility of learning environments are key themes in our education.

We encourage teachers to actively utilise open educational resources (available in Finnish) and share their own teaching materials.