The library is situated in the Tikkarinne Campus. The customer service is on the 1st floor, next to student restaurant Solina. Familiarize yourself with the library’s facilities and services.
The library offers updated professional and scientific information for Karelia UAS staff and students. Collections of the library consist of books, theses, newspapers, journals, audiovisual materials etc. We have both printed and electronic collections.
All the printed collections are located on the library’s 1st floor. Circulating material (course books, books of general collection, journals etc.) are placed in their own shelves. Lengths of loan periods varies: course books and journals 14 days, general collection 28 days. Detailed information of loan periods is shown on Karelia-Finna. Reference library books (non-circulating copies of the course books) are also located on the 1st floor. Those copies are not allowed to take outside the library. The self-service lending and returning devices are on the library’s 1st floor.
Karelia-Finna elibrary
Library collections can be found on Karelia-Finna. At Finna, you have access to library’s databases, ebooks, ejournals, dictionaries etc. and you find information on library’s printed books and periodicals. You can also renew your loans there and make requests.
Off campus use is possible for Karelia UAS students and personnel by logging in with their personal Karelia UAS network username and password.
The library provides access to various ebook services for the students and staff of the Karelia University of Applied Sciences. The terms of use, licenses, loan periods and required reading applications vary between different ebook databases. You will find more details and instructions on databases’ home pages.
If you have any questions concerning ebooks, contact the library.
Find ebooks
Ebooks are available at Karelia-Finna. Off campus use is possible for Karelia students and staff. Some ebooks are linked to Finna, and search results in Finna include access link to ebook. Some ebooks can only be found in ebook databases: go to Finna, type database name, click ‘database interface’ to access the database to search ebooks.
Availability of ebooks via library:
- Please note that although an ebook can be purchased by individuals it may not be available for organisations (libraries).
- Publishers can also restrict the availability of the latest editions of books, and sometimes only older editions are available as an ebook.
Terms of use
Terms of use for ebooks and databases are defined in license agreements. Use is typically restricted for teaching, studying, researching and for private use. Ebooks and databases provided by Karelia can not be used for commercial purposes.
Studying at the library

Silent study room (on the library’s 1st floor) is a place for you, when you need a quiet place to read or study. There are 6 computers and multiple studying desks without computers in the room. You can’t book a spot from the silent study room.
The wireless network is available at the library so you can work with your own laptop or device. Read more about the wireless network from Karelia’s Student Intra.
Familiarize yourself with the library’s facilities and services.