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Entrepreneurship and Innovations

Would you like to become an entrepreneur? Do you already have a business of your own? Karelia Entrepreneurship Path helps you to combine studies with development of your own business idea.

Karelia Entrepreneurship Path

Below you will find services and study possibilities available for all students. They are categorized according to the different phases of the entrepreneurship path:

  1. I need a business idea
  2. I have a business idea but I don’t know if it is realistic
  3. I have a tested business idea, but I haven’t started a business yet
  4. I have a registered business

What is your path to entrepreneurship? Contact your study counsellor and find out how you can combine studies with entrepreneurship.

I need a business idea

Epic Challenge Joensuu Studies

Through Epic Challenge studies you will learn a set of team-based product development methods and techniques used at NASA. The studies offer a great possibility to find a business idea of your own.

Innovation Month® Studies

In the Innovation Month® study module you will develop a business idea together with your team.

I have a business idea but I don’t know if it is realistic

Draft Program®

From the Draft Program you can get funding for testing and developing a business idea of your own. Application day is organized 3 times a year. The approved teams will receive EUR 1000 development funding each.

Joensuu Science Park Business Incubator: Business idea assessment

Business idea assessment involves examination of the business idea in general and its maturity. Does the idea have business potential?

I have a tested business idea, but I haven’t started a business yet

Joensuu Science Park Business Incubator: Pre-incubator

A business plan based on describing the business model is drawn up for the business idea. The plan includes a description of the business and calculations concerning the future of the business. If the simulation indicates that there is potential for profitable business, a company is established and activities move on to the incubator phase.

I have a registered business

Joensuu Science Park Business Incubator: Incubator phase

The company activities are subjected to sparring, with assistance provided in marketing, sales, corporate finances and financing, administration and other practical start-up matters. Diverse training gives entrepreneurs the skills needed for successful business. The incubator lays a strong foundation for developing and growing the business. The incubator phase lasts 1-3 years.

Contact details

Heikki Immonen
Principal Lecturer of Entrepreneurship
Tel. +358 50 310 9657

Students: Contact your study counsellor to receive more information about combining studies with entrepreneurship!