Environmental and Social Infrastructures

Scope 4 ECTS (1 ECTS=27 hours)


Examine challenges and opportunities that rural communities face in the future!

You can also:

  • Understand the importance of social and environmental infrastructures in promoting quality of life in rural areas
  • Explore various aspects of living in rural areas, such as well-being, social inclusion, and access to public services
  • Learn how social and environmental infrastructures are interlinked and how they affect the overall quality of life of rural residents


  • In-depth understanding of environmental and social infrastructures, their importance to individuals, regions, and countries
  • Concept of quality of life, society, and public services
  • Quality of life in participating students’ countries
  • Knowledge and experiences in engaging with stakeholders, working in a multicultural, multidisciplinary team, and developing a general understanding of resilience

Target audience

– For Business: Experts working in relevant fields

– For Education: Leaders, experts at all levels, 3rd or 4th year students of the associated/applicable involved degree programs

Availability January-June and upon request yearly


Senior Lecturer Kaija Saramäki ([email protected])

Interested? Contact for more info

[email protected]
