Environmental liability

Karelia University of Applied Sciences operates responsibly promoting sustainable development both as an employer and as a higher education community. The aim is to increase the ecological, economic and socio-cultural sustainability and well-being at our university of applied sciences.

We evaluate and develop our activities continuously. We implement an open operating culture according to the principles of open science and research. Promotion of sustainable development is part of our educational supply and an integral part of our RDI activities.

The strategy 2030 of Karelia University of Applied Sciences: Karelia2030 – Sustainable Vitality emphasises our environmental liability. We are committed to the low-carbon goals of the city of Joensuu and the province of North Karelia. According to the strategy, our goal is to have a carbon-neutral university of applied sciences by year 2028. We involve students, staff and cooperation partners from different fields in the battle against climate change and promote resource-effective circular economy solutions.

The Finnish Education Evaluation Center (KARVI), which audits the quality management of higher education institutions, evaluated the quality system of Karelia University of Applied Sciences in 2018. The audit is based on European quality assurance principles and criteria. According to the audit, the quality assurance system of Karelia UAS reached the best, i.e. the advanced level.

At Karelia UAS, environmental management is part of the continuous improvement work defined in the quality system. Karelia UAS has previously used the Green Office environmental system, and our environmental management practices and our environmental programme have been developed based on it. As a continuation to the previous system, Karelia UAS aims to develop and implement an environmental system that complies with the ISO 14001 standard. Karelia UAS is also involved in the shared UAS cooperation of carbon footprint calculation and management. Furthermore, Karelia UAS is committed to the joint sustainable development programme of universities of applied sciences.

Karelia University of Applied Sciences is a contractual partner of the North Karelia Biosphere Reserve and promotes the sustainable development goals of the UN through a cooperation network. The North Karelia Biosphere Reserve is part of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere programme network of research, experiment and development areas for sustainable development. �