EXAM – Possi­ble prob­lems and solutions

NB! There is no tech­ni­cal assis­tance during an exam.

If the screen is blank or shut down, the computer is in sleep mode or switched off:

  1. move the mouse
  2. turn the screen on
  3. turn the computer on

If the browser crashes or you close it acci­den­tally, reopen the EXAM browser, and your exam will continue normally.

If the computer or an appli­ca­tion crashes, wait for restart or restart the computer your­self. Reopen EXAM browser and log in. Your exam will most prob­a­bly continue.

Inter­rup­tion noti­fi­ca­tion of EXAM

If your exam is inter­rupted or obstructed because of a tech­ni­cal problem, inter­rup­tion in the exam area or other reason: log out of the computer, leave the room and report the inter­rup­tion via email ([email protected]) imme­di­ately. Your email must include the follow­ing information:

  • Student’s name
  • Student number
  • Student’s email address
  • Number of the exam computer
  • Name of the inter­rupted exam
  • Date and time of the inter­rupted exam
  • Time of the interruption
  • Descrip­tion of the inter­rup­tion or problem

There is no tech­ni­cal support at the univer­sity of applied sciences during your exam. Remem­ber, that you are always taking an elec­tronic exam on your own respon­si­bil­ity. There­fore, it is essen­tial that you read the instruc­tions and take the Train­ing exam!

Possi­ble prob­lems and solutions

Problem: Browser crashes OR you acci­den­tally close the browser.
Solu­tion: Restart Exam and log in. The exam continues.

Problem: Tech­ni­cal prob­lems (computer restarts in the middle of the exam).
Solu­tion: Wait until the restart has completed. Log in to Exam. The exam may continue. If it does not, leave the room and notify of the problem as instructed.

Problem: Fire alarm or some other alarm in the exam room.
Solu­tion: Leave the room imme­di­ately. Notify of the problem as instructed.

Problem: Another partic­i­pant disturbs.
Solu­tion: Quit or continue the exam. In both cases notify of the problem as instructed.

Problem: Power or telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions cut.
Solu­tion: Leave the room. Notify of the problem as instructed.

Problem: Fit, seizure or some other urgent need to leave the room.
Solu­tion: Quit the exam and log out of the computer. Notify of the problem as instructed.

Problem: Fit or seizure of another partic­i­pant or another sudden situ­a­tion.
Solu­tion: Help! Quit or continue with the exam. In both of the cases notify of the problem as instructed.

Problem: Suspi­cion of a miscon­duct.
Solu­tion: Finish your own exam. Notify of your suspi­cions after your exam as instructed.