EXAM visit

Exam visit means that you take your own university’s exam in another university’s Exam room. Before booking a time for your exam in another university, please check that university’s rules and regulations as well as opening hours and how to access the exam room.

Please check! At the moment EXAM visit is possible in the following institutions.

To book an exam time

  • Log in to your own university’s EXAM with your user id and password.
  • Click Exams in the navigation on the left and type the course code in the search field. You can also search for an exam by exam name or teacher’s name. 
  • The system gives you a list of exams based on your search, choose the right exam by clicking the green box “Registering for the exam”.
    NB! If you are registering for a personal exam or maturity test, the exam is ready on your dashboard when you log in to EXAM.
  • To book a time in another university, click “Exam room reservation from external institution”
EXAM Choose external institution
  • Choose the organization from the drop down menu and after that the exam room.
EXAM choose organization
EXAM choose exam room
  • Now you see the booking calendar, choose a time and confirm your booking.
  • Make sure you check the other university’s info and instructions for exam visit before you book the time.
  • When you go to take your exam, you log in to the other university’s EXAM with your own university’s user id and passwo