Fysioterapian opiskelija

Fitware cycle ergometer test

The Fitware ergometer test is an indirect method of testing your maximum oxygen uptake, providing you with information about your physical fitness in a safe and reliable way. The service can be used, for example, for setting up your personal fitness programme.

The ergometer test

  • determines the level of aerobic (i.e. endurance) fitness
  • measures or estimates the maximum heart rate
  • provides a fitness rating
  • provides heart rate limits for exercises
  • tracks fitness development, if desired

For Whom

The ergometer test is suitable for anyone interested in their own physical fitness, especially for those interested in health-enhancing physical activities. The test is not performed during the last trimester of pregnancy and or if the participant has had a fever within last two months.

The Service Includes

  • health assessment using a questionnaire
  • blood pressure and PEF measurements before and after the test
  • a bicycle ergometer test
  • personal feedback and guidance based on the results, for example to support health-enhancing physical activity

The Test Results Can Be Used to

  • assess the level of physical fitness
  • reflect the various physical demands and workload at work
  • develop an individual fitness program and as a basis for exercise recommendations

The test is carried out individually and under supervision, which ensures the reliability and safety of the test, as well as repeatability of the test for the purpose of follow-up tests. The results are reviewed personally with the client.


Fitware cycle ergometer tests are performed by physiotherapy students working at TARMO. The testing methods used are the Fitware Professional 2007 programme and the Ergoline 800 ergoselect bicycle. The test takes about 60-75 minutes.

The students who perform the test will pick you up from the information desk in the main lobby of building E at Tikkarinne campus (Tikkarinne 9) at the agreed time. Parking permits for the guest parking lot in the yard are available from the information desk if needed.

Please bring comfortable sportswear and shoes, and shower supplies if needed. Avoid eating or drinking for one hour before the test, nicotine products and caffeine for three hours, and alcohol for twelve hours. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours before the test.



10€/test for students/pensioners/the unemployed 

Payment by debit/credit card at the coordinators’ office (E280) after the test.

We do not accept cash or sports and culture vouchers.


Learning and Service Environment TARMO
Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu | Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Tikkarinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu
[email protected]
Tel. +358 50 913 1787