Let’s craft a better tomor­row. Together.

Infor­ma­tion for new students

On this Guide, you will find impor­tant infor­ma­tion about start­ing the studies, housing, acad­e­mic year etc.

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Karelia UAS Degree Programmes

Infor­ma­tion and Commu­ni­ca­tion Technology

Bach­e­lor of Engineering

Degree in Infor­ma­tion and Commu­ni­ca­tion Tech­nol­ogy provides you with a wide knowhow for working on the ICT field in Finland.

information and communication

Inter­na­tional Business

Bach­e­lor of Busi­ness Administration

The Degree Programme in Inter­na­tional Busi­ness enables you to develop exper­tise required in global busi­ness. The main focus of the studies is on inter­na­tional market­ing as a part of success­ful business. 

Indus­trial Management

Bach­e­lor of Engineering

The four-year degree gives you strong exper­tise in intel­li­gent produc­tion, sales, product and service life cycle manage­ment, and in team and project leadership.

Sustain­abil­ity Management

Master of Engineering

Degree Programme in Sustain­abil­ity Manage­ment provides you with exper­tise required to meet the corpo­rate sustain­abil­ity chal­lenges and requirements.

Karelia UAS Global Educa­tion Services

Double Degree Programmes

Increase your job oppor­tu­ni­ties with future employ­ers! Joint programmes are designed for inter­na­tional students who would like to gain degrees from both their local univer­sity and Karelia UAS.

Read more about Double Degree Programmes

Exchange Programmes

Give you the unique one-year study expe­ri­ences at Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences!

Read more about Exchange Programmes

Karelia UAS Diploma Programmes

The Diploma aims to supple­ment the students with skills or degrees already acquired or further train­ing relat­ing to work done in his/her home countries

Read more about Diploma Programmes

Currently in Karelia UAS

News and Events

Arti­cles in Pulse

Karelia UAS on social media

Inter­na­tional Karelia UAS

Greet­ings from the President

Life, espe­cially student life, is not just about educa­tion and studies, but should also encom­pass relax­ation and free-time activities. 

Karelia UAS Strat­egy 2030

Karelia UAS is a respected, pros­per­ous and inter­na­tional univer­sity commu­nity. We support vital­ity within our oper­a­tional envi­ron­ment. We are known for inno­v­a­tive, high-quality oper­a­tion, good results and strong compe­tence of staff. Both our students and part­ners receive an excel­lent service experience.