Fysioterapian opiskelija

Health Check-ups

A health check-up includes measurements of blood pressure, blood sugar, haemoglobin, and grip strength, which provide you with comprehensive information about your state of health.

Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the most significant risk factor for reducing healthy life years. The goal of preventing and treating high blood pressure is to reduce premature cardiovascular events and deaths and to increase the number of healthy life years. You cannot “feel” your blood pressure, and high blood pressure is often asymptomatic. You can only find out your blood pressure level by measuring it.

Blood Glucose

A “blood sugar” test is the basic test for diabetes and other disorders of sugar metabolism. In healthy individuals, the blood glucose level in the morning after fasting (at least 10 hours without food) is between 4.0 and 6.0 mmol/l. After eating, blood glucose levels can rise in a healthy person by 2-3 mmol/l and return to pre-eating levels within 2-4 hours. Less than 8.9 mmol/l (measured from the fingertip) two hours after eating is considered normal.

When coming for a blood glucose measurement at TARMO, it is a good idea to take into account the effect of eating on the result (either a 10-hour fast or 2 hours after eating).


Haemoglobin is one of the oxygen-binding proteins found in red blood cells. In the lungs, oxygen binds to haemoglobin. The main function of haemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues through the bloodstream.

Low haemoglobin can indicate anaemia, which can be caused by many different things. The most common cause of anaemia is iron deficiency, which can be caused by, for example, menstrual or intestinal bleeding, a low-nutrient diet, or an iron malabsorption disorder. In TARMO, a sample is taken from the fingertip, which works well as an indicative measurement.

Grip Strength

The test measures the hand’s grip strength, which is also a good measure of overall muscle strength. Muscle strength is linked to mobility and the ability to cope with daily activities. Age and gender-specific reference values are used to interpret the result.


The check-ups are carried out by students working at TARMO. The appointment takes about 30 minutes. The students who carry out the check-ups will pick you up from the information desk in the main lobby of building E at Tikkarinne campus (Tikkarinne 9) at the agreed time. Parking permits for the guest parking lot in the yard are available from the information desk if needed.

Preparing for the Tests

Avoid strenuous exercise, smoking and drinking caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, cola drinks) for half an hour before the blood pressure test. Arrive early so that you can sit in the waiting room for about 15 minutes before the measurement, to give your blood pressure time to settle.

When you come for your blood glucose test, you should take into account the effect of eating (the test should be taken after either a 10-hour fast or 2 hours after your last meal).

There is no need to prepare for the haemoglobin or grip strength tests beforehand.



5€/test for students/pensioners/the unemployed 

Payment by debit/credit card at the coordinators’ office (E280) after the examination.

We do not accept cash or sports and culture vouchers.


Learning and Service Environment TARMO
Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu | Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Tikkarinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu
[email protected]
Tel. +358 50 913 1787