Individual study plan

Curricula define learning outcomes and the planned process of your professional growth and learning. Curricula are based on our UAS´s strategic choices: we try to be like pioneers in the field of education, we try to act responsibly and we try to develop the working life and entrepreneurship in the area.

We plan our curricula with co-operation with working life representatives to take into consideration their demands and development ideas. We want to ensure that you have the best possible chances to get your future job.

The Bachelor of Business Administration curricula include 210 credits (3.5 years) and Bachelor of Engineering 240 credits (4 years).

In your degree, you will have study units in common core competences and in complementary competences. Study units are individual, separately assessed parts of a degree. Versatile study and implementation methods can be used in study units.

On implementation plans on Study Guide (opinto-opas in Finnish) you will see the implementation methods, way of grading, learning outcomes and core content of a study unit, student´s workload and assessment criteria. On Study Guide select Youth Education –  Degree Programme in International Business, Industrial Management or Information and Communication Technology – Academic year 2023-2024.

An individual study plan (ISP) is a tool for you in planning your studies, and for developing your competence and expertise. You make your first plan during the 1st year autumn semester. You will receive group and personal tutoring on the planning of the studies. The study plan will be revised annually in individual development discussions with your tutor teacher or with your student counsellor.

Language and communication studies are also included in the curricula. Karelia UAS provides fee-paying students with a scholarship based on Finnish language skills. Students can be awarded with a scholarship two times during their studies based on their level of Finnish language and provided that they have gained 55 credits per academic year. Read more about the Scholarship programme here.

International business requires multilingual specialists. According to research (EK 2014), employers favour candidates with diverse language skills. Many companies are multinational and operate globally. Even in local SMEs, good language and communication skills are essential for everyday life.

International Business Students Studies

At the beginning of your studies, you will take a diagnostic language test, Dialang, as part of your Academic English course. Dialang will help you to identify your strengths and development needs. 

LB10007 Introduction to Marketing: Due to the nature of this study unit, we advise you to purchase the following course material beforehand: Philip Kotler et al.: Principles of Marketing, 2016 or newer edition.