Local customers (private persons)
If the book or journal article you are looking for is not part of our library collections or other libraries in Joensuu/North Karelia area (Vaara libraries, UEF Library), you can make an interlibrary loan or photocopy request by email or at library’s service desk (see the service hours).
In the request, give us the most accurate information about the book or article you can, such as
- title
- authors
- publication year
- is it a book or an article etc.
Interlending and document supply services are liable to charge:
- The fee is determined by the delivering library (0 – 20 €) (+ 8 € commission from external customers).
When you pick up the interlibrary loan you have requested (printed books), we will inform you how the renewal and return of the interlibrary loan happens.
Please notice: We only make interlibrary requests from the Finnish libraries. We do not make requests to the libraries abroad.
Libraries can send interlibrary loan or photocopy orders via this electronic form (in Finnish).
- We do not send course books, reference books, pack of cards, board games or whole journals as interlibrary loans.
- E-books are not part in the interlibrary services.
- Check the location and availability from Karelia-Finna.
- On vacation seasons (for example: from Christmas to Epiphany, in July), we are not handling interlibrary loans.
- We do not send interlibrary loans abroad.
Renewing interlibrary loans:
As a library, you can renew your interlibrary loans via Karelia-Finna (login by email). By renewing the interlibrary loans, you can keep loans 180 days (maximum period).
If you have something to ask, please send email to library(a)karelia.fi.