Job Search Skills

How do I find a job that suits me? How do I apply for it? What chan­nels do I use? What is a good job appli­ca­tion like? How can I prepare for a job inter­view? Is my CV up to date? You can find answers to these ques­tions on this page.

Looking for a job

A good job appli­ca­tion leads to an interview

• Care­fully read the job adver­tise­ment and make sure what kind of a person the employer needs – Do you meet the require­ments and, if not, how do you justify the compe­tence that compen­sates the lacking skills?

• Reply to the adver­tise­ment as the employer wishes – Is it neces­sary to fill in a form on the inter­net or to write a sepa­rate appli­ca­tion letter with enclosures?

• High­light your skills and readi­ness for the job you are looking for in the appli­ca­tion – How would the employer benefit from recruit­ing you?

• Make your appli­ca­tion personal and distin­guish­able – tailor your appli­ca­tion to suit the job opening.

• Make a clear and well-struc­tured appli­ca­tion; avoid typos – remem­ber that a good appli­ca­tion has an intro­duc­tion, body and conclusion!

  • Intro­duc­tion: What job are you inter­ested in and why? Where did you learn about the job opening?
  • Body: Show­case your exper­tise and justify it with concrete exam­ples. Don’t repeat every­thing that you already have in your CV.
  • Conclu­sion: End politely and express your wish to be inter­viewed, tell how you can be contacted and express your inter­est to discuss more about your­self in person. You can also tell me when you can start working.

• Try to keep the appli­ca­tion to one A4 sheet

• Give the appli­ca­tion to someone else for comments before sending; ask him or her to be honest.

• Enclose your CV

More infor­ma­tion about writing an appli­ca­tion letter is here.

Source: Käännös. Sujuvat työn­haku­markki­nat –hanke (Flex­i­ble Job Seeking project). Creative Commons Nimeä-EiKau­palli­nen-JaaSamoin 4.0 Kansain­vä­li­nen -lisenssillä.

Creat­ing a CV

Curricu­lum vitae, a CV in short, is an overview of your work expe­ri­ence, educa­tion and other skills. CV is the most impor­tant part of your appli­ca­tion. At one glance, the recruiter is able to see your qual­i­fi­ca­tions for the job you are apply­ing for. Make use of recom­men­da­tions; they may be given by persons in your previ­ous job, people in posi­tions of trust or, for example, people you have got to know through third-sector asso­ci­a­tions. Don’t forget to ask permis­sion to use their names in your CV.

In your CV

  • Personal infor­ma­tion: name, address, tele­phone number, email address
  • Educa­tion: your educa­tional back­ground in reverse chrono­log­i­cal order
  • Language skills: your command of differ­ent languages (e.g. using CEFR scale from A1 to C2)
  • Work expe­ri­ence: your employ­ment history in reverse chrono­log­i­cal order
  • IT skills: for example, the soft­ware and social media chan­nels that you use
  • Hobbies and inter­ests: such pastime activ­i­ties and inter­ests that are rele­vant in recruitment
  • Other: driver’s license, completed mili­tary service

Task 1. Watch the webinar Creat­ing an Impres­sive CV. You need to regis­ter with your email address to be able to join the webinar (Momen­tum project 2021)

This webinar concen­trate on writing an effec­tive CV. What makes you profes­sion­ally unique? How do you target your CV? How to research the employer and match­ing your skills with their needs. How do you describe your compe­tences in the key sections of your CV? We will go through the differ­ent sections of the non-acad­e­mic CV by giving examples.

More infor­ma­tion about writing a CV is here.

How to make a video CV

What is a video CV?

One way to demon­strate your compe­tence is to make a video. The video allows you to show­case your exper­tise in prac­tice and give a broader view of you than what is possi­ble in a written CV. It can also be added to comple­ment the tradi­tional recruit­ment documents.

What are the bene­fits of a video CV?

The video CV distin­guishes you from other jobseek­ers. The video attracts atten­tion, is remem­bered and brings out your person­al­ity better than the tradi­tional CV.

Even if you don’t want to use the video in your job search, doing it will help you prac­tice your presen­ta­tion skills and crys­tallise your compe­tences. Many compa­nies use video inter­views at the later phases of their recruit­ment process, so making a video is a good prac­tice for that purpose, too.

How do I make a video CV?

Making a video CV is easy, but it’s still worth proper prepa­ra­tion. The idea is that the video comple­ments the tradi­tional CV: it brings out some­thing new about you or deepens the infor­ma­tion you have in the tradi­tional docu­ments. You can use the video to tell about your personal char­ac­ter­is­tics, special skills and strengths, or give a proof of your language skills. Visu­alise your skills by adding pictures of your port­fo­lio or hobbies. If you write a manu­script for your presen­ta­tion, about half a page is suffi­cient. You should learn how to speak and give the presen­ta­tion in a natural way so that you do it without looking at the paper. The most impor­tant point is that you are your­self in the video. This gives the employer a posi­tive picture of you.

As with the job search process, the same advice applies to making a video CV: Don’t send the same video with every appli­ca­tion but target your appli­ca­tion to the job you are apply­ing for.

How to succeed?

1. Reserve suffi­cient time

  • use enough time to prepare your application
  • be patient.

2. Keep the video appli­ca­tion short

  • try to say what you have to say in a few minutes (max. 2 min)
  • only talk about what is rele­vant for your job search
  • proceed in a consis­tent manner
  • think that your video appli­ca­tion is a trailer for the actual job interview.

3. Write a script

  • intro­duce your­self (and remem­ber to smile)
  • tell about your back­ground and use it to explain why you should be hired
  • tell a few facts about you as a person and your achievements
  • plan your last sentence, for example, you can thank for the opportunity

4. Talk calmly to the camera

  • don’t read directly from the paper
  • keep your eyes on the camera (attach your notes, if neces­sary, next to the camera)

5. Pay atten­tion to the video quality

  • shoot your video in a quiet place
  • choose a neat and calm background
  • as much as possi­ble, prefer natural light
  • your camera doesn’t have to be top quality

6. Relax

  • your video doesn’t have to be perfect on the first take
  • the video can also be cut and edited
  • remem­ber to breathe, take the video appli­ca­tion as a chal­lenge, which you will succeed in.

Task 2. Create a video CV for your job search.

Care­fully plan the content and tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion of the video accord­ing to the instruc­tions given above. You need a mobile phone, digital camera or a tablet to make the video.

Film the video with your digital camera, mobile phone or tablet. Recom­mended video length is 2 minutes at the most. You can shoot the video alone, with a friend or in a small group. You can edit the video if you wish. You can save the edited video to your phone, computer, cloud service, flash drive or directly to a free video service on the Inter­net (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo). It is easy to share the video from the video service by sending the link to the employer or adding it to a job search website.

Visual CV

What is a visual CV?

A visual CV is not a list or cata­logue but an info­graphic that contains a time­line, diagrams, logos, text and almost anything you can think of. Your imag­i­na­tion is the only limit. Illus­tra­tions can tell about the author and his or her person­al­ity. Of course, it is essen­tial to distin­guish from the black-and-white and tradi­tional CVs.

Services to create your own visual CV or show­case your own expertise


Prezi is designed to make presen­ta­tions, but it can also be used to make a curricu­lum vitae. With Prezi, you can make a mobile, fun and differ­ent CV or job application.


Canva is a free and versa­tile program that can easily be used to produce a wide range of market­ing mate­ri­als. Canva is a begin­ner-friendly and easy-to-use program that is well suited for a variety of purposes. Canva offers a lot of ready-made images, templates and draw­ings for graphic design and a visual CV. Canva requires login. creates info­graph­ics on the basis of your work expe­ri­ence. If you wish, the service will retrieve your infor­ma­tion directly from LinkedIn.


Among social media services, Pinter­est is a very good tool for creat­ing a visual port­fo­lio. In Pinter­est, you can add pictures that are suit­able for your field and work, as well as attach a tradi­tional CV.

Blogs as a visual CV

You can also make a visual CV as a blog. Blog tools include e.g.

  • Word­Press:
  • Blogger: Instruc­tions on how to use Blogger can be found e.g. at PLEASE NOTE! If you have a Google ID, such as a Gmail account, the same user­name works for Blogger as well.

See the follow­ing links to famil­iarise your­self with the visual CV

Exam­ples in Pinter­est and Canva

Visual CV in Prezi

Some useful templates can also be found in Word.

Task 2: Make your­self a visual CV with your chosen tool.

Contact the employer

Contact­ing the employer can be intim­i­dat­ing. Good prepa­ra­tion can ease the anxiety. Your well-prepared contact will make a good first impres­sion on the employer. You can visit the company, give them a call or send an email.

Once you have sent your job appli­ca­tion and CV to the employer, you should call them in a few days to make sure that your appli­ca­tion has been received. In this way, you will also show real inter­est and will­ing­ness to be recruited to the job.

Before the call – Preparation

Find out about the company

  • For example, visit their website: what infor­ma­tion can you find there?
  • Do they use social media services such as Face­book? What are they saying, or what kind of post­ings or publi­ca­tions do they have there?
  • What do they do, who are their customers, how many employ­ees do they have, where are they based, what are their main prod­ucts or services, etc.?

Please consult the job appli­ca­tion (if there is a job vacancy).

Think about what you want to know about the job opening and write down a few ques­tions in advance.

Prepare a brief descrip­tion of why you are inter­ested in the job and how your train­ing, work expe­ri­ence and skills will be useful in it.

You can also send an open appli­ca­tion to the employer if there is currently no vacancy avail­able. The call after it shows that you are an active person.

Source: Käännös. Sujuvat työn­haku­markki­nat –hanke (Flex­i­ble Job Seeking project). Creative Commons Nimeä-EiKau­palli­nen-JaaSamoin 4.0 Kansain­vä­li­nen -lisenssillä.

This is how you call the employer – the progress of the call

1. Intro­duc­tion
Tell your name and greet in a clear, enthu­si­as­tic and happy way. The first impres­sion is impor­tant, so the tone of your voice has a big role.

2. Explain why you are calling
The reason for calling could be e.g. that you wish to get further infor­ma­tion about a vacancy or that you are inter­ested in the oppor­tu­nity of working in this company. You can also mention some inter­est­ing project that the company has recently executed. This way you show the employer that you are genuinely inter­ested in the company and that you have famil­iar­ized your­self with the company in advance.

3. Making ques­tions
Make the ques­tions that you want in order to get further infor­ma­tion about the open job or the oppor­tu­nity to be employed by the company in the future.

4. Telling about your­self and your compe­tence and interests

It is worth your while to tell about your own compe­tence with good exam­ples, clearly and in a few sentences. For instance, like this: I have worked in place x and I have learned these things x among other things.

5. Ask about the sched­ule of the appli­ca­tion process/ suggest a meeting

If you have applied for an open posi­tion, you can ask about the sched­ule of the appli­ca­tion process. If, on the other hand, you are contact­ing an inter­est­ing employer, you should just be brave and suggest a meeting! You can say e.g.: ”I wonder if you have a need for this kind of compe­tence? It would be great to work for your company! Could I come and intro­duce myself and we could discuss more, for example next Wednes­day at 2 pm?”

6. Thank and wish a good day

This is how you make contact through email

Use the same tips with email as with making the tele­phone call. Use clear, posi­tive language and avoid spelling mistakes. Explain already in the subject line the purpose of your message.

The message could be e.g. as follows:

Subject line: Ques­tion about a summer job

I am Essi Example, 21 years old busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion student from Joensuu. I am looking for a summer job and I would be inter­ested in working for you. I have been in a summer job and as peak time sales assis­tant in a store and I liked my work very much. I have received good feed­back from both customers and the shop­keeper. Would it be possi­ble for you to hire a summer worker? Who could I send my appli­ca­tion to?   Please find my CV attached. 
With kind regards,
Essi Example 040 123 4567
[email protected]

Job Inter­view

Job inter­view is your chance to convince the employer that you are just the right person for the job and that it is worth hiring you. In addi­tion, it is your chance to sell your expe­ri­ence and compe­tence and to show that you are moti­vated about the job. In the job inter­view, you and the employer get to know each other. The meeting is equally impor­tant to both sides so it pays off to prepare well for the inter­view.  You should get acquainted with the company and the job descrip­tion before the interview.

Task 3. Watch the webinar Succeed in Job Inter­views. You need to regis­ter with your email address to be able to join the webinar (Momen­tum project 2021)

How to prepare for a job inter­view, what happens during the inter­view and after it? A job inter­view can be seen in many ways: as a sign, that the inter­viewer is inter­ested in you and wants to know more; as a possi­bil­ity for both ways to see, if you are a match meant to be; as a place to further promote your moti­va­tion, persona and exper­tise; and in best case, as an equal discus­sion between people who are inter­ested on the same themes. In all of the cases, it is impor­tant to prepare. Good prepa­ra­tion is the key.

On this webinar, we go through differ­ent types of job inter­views, typical themes and ques­tions in inter­views as well as topics and advice about what to do before, during and after an interview. 

More tips

  • See that you look neat and have cloth­ing that is suit­able for the job that you apply for.
  • Before the inter­view, find out the place where to go and how to get there.
  • Be on time (rather a bit early) and behave appro­pri­ately. Shake hands politely.
  • Give a posi­tive first impres­sion of your­self and present your­self with confi­dence, but remem­ber that a little excite­ment is not harmful.
  • Pay atten­tion to body language, eye contact and your way of speak­ing. Sit in a straight posture.
  • Concen­trate on and listen to what is being asked.
  • Tell honestly about your competence.
  • Make ques­tions to the inter­viewer when it is your turn.
  • Remem­ber to thank at the end and wish a good day etc.

Check out the most common job inter­view questions!

General ques­tions:

• Tell us about yourself

• What are your strengths?

• What are your weaknesses?

Work history:

• Tell us about your work expe­ri­ence task by task: What have been the content and respon­si­bil­i­ties of the tasks and how have you ended up choos­ing the next place?

• What kind of job tasks have you liked the most and why? And what kind you haven’t liked and why?

• Give an example of the chal­leng­ing situ­a­tion you have encoun­tered in your work

• What inde­pen­dent tasks have you completed in your career?

• What has been the most impor­tant thing that the job has taught you?

Moti­va­tional questions:

• What do you think of our company?

• Why do you want to change jobs?

• What do you expect from the job in general?

• What do you expect from the job? What would it give you that you don’t get at your present job?

• Where do you get satis­fac­tion in working, what moti­vates you?

• What would you like to embrace or achieve next?

• How do you regard responsibility?

• What kind of stage in your career would you see this job?

• What are your goals?

Ques­tions related to the job:

• Which parts of the job seem inter­est­ing? Which seem to be not so interesting?

• What qual­i­ties are required from the employee of the job you are looking for?

• What are the respon­si­bil­i­ties and require­ments for the job you are looking for?

Group work/cooperation/relationship with superiors:

• In what kind of situ­a­tions have you had to work closely with other people?

• Do you have expe­ri­ence in customer work?

• What role do you aim to take in teamwork?

• What kind of conflict situ­a­tions have you encoun­tered in team­work? How do you tackle them?

• What are your best aspects in team­work? What about the challenges?

• What is a good co-worker like? What kind of co-worker are you?

• What kind of work commu­nity do you like the best?

• How do you wish your­self to be led?

• What is a good manager/subordinate rela­tion­ship like?

You in the work life:

• What aspects would you like to develop in yourself?

• What kind of feed­back have you received from colleagues or supervisors?

• The main chal­lenges of your career? How did you get through them?

• Working methods? Are you spon­ta­neous or do you always want to act accord­ing to the plan?

• How do you start solving prob­lems that arise at work?

• How do you handle routines? Are you persis­tent? How does it show?

• What kind of nego­tia­tor are you?

• What kind of projects have you run? How did it go?

• How do you get the best out of people?

Issues related to stress and well-being at work:

• What kind of situ­a­tions cause you stress?

• How do you cope with the contin­u­ing high workload?

• What kind of deci­sions are easy/difficult to make?

• How do you deal with a stress­ful situation?

• How do you relieve stress and how do you relax?

• Tell me some­thing about a frus­trat­ing situation?

• What kind of things or activ­i­ties irri­tate you at the workplace?

• How do you get ahead or moti­vate your­self in such a situation?

• How do you react to crit­i­cism towards you?

• How do you act when you have made a mistake?

• What kind of feed­back do you want?

• What is impor­tant to you in life?

• How do you decide on your goals?

• How do you plan your day?

• How does work affect the rest of your life and vice versa? 

• What do you do during your free time?

Video inter­view

Video inter­view has gained popu­lar­ity, espe­cially among larger compa­nies. Going through hundreds of appli­ca­tions is time-consum­ing, so before a personal inter­view, videos can be used for pre-selec­tion. This means that the appli­cant must record the answers to the employer’s ques­tions. Video inter­views are most commonly conducted via a website service, where the employer records the ques­tions and invites the selected candi­dates. The appli­cants will then be able to record their answers via a camera on a computer or a phone.

Here are some tips on how to prepare for a video interview

1. Prepare for the ques­tions care­fully. You will normally be asked to answer about 3 to 5 ques­tions. Think care­fully about the answers and what things you want to high­light in the answers. Write down the answers and have them at hand as support while you prac­tice answer­ing. However, don’t read directly from the paper.

2. Choose a peace­ful envi­ron­ment. Reserve a space for record­ing the answers in which you can make a video without inter­fer­ence. Use a light back­ground and make sure there is enough light. Close other people and pets behind the door so they don’t inter­fere with the recording.

3. Pick some neat clothes. Dress smartly and in the same way as for a regular job interview.

4. Focus on the matter and answer clearly the ques­tions you have been asked. If you were asked for a three-minute answer, do not stretch it for ten minutes.

5. Check your output! Once you’ve recorded your answers, check the video. Can you hear your voice prop­erly? Is the light­ing bright enough so that you stand out from the back­ground? Should you retake the record­ing of some answers?

6. Don’t work on it too much. Do not think too much about the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion or natural breaks or looking for words. They don‘t matter too much, because a video inter­view isn’t an audi­tion. The video is meant to give the employer a natural, more accu­rate picture of you than a paper application. 

Source: Käännös. Sujuvat työn­haku­markki­nat –hanke (Flex­i­ble Job Seeking project). Creative Commons Nimeä-EiKau­palli­nen-JaaSamoin 4.0 Kansain­vä­li­nen -lisenssillä.