Jobs and Job Search Channels

What kind of jobs are there? Where do you find those jobs? What kind of expert are they looking for my dream job?

Going through one’s own networks, regu­larly brows­ing job adver­tise­ments and getting in touch with inter­est­ing work places will take you step by step towards the goal i.e. employ­ment. Remem­ber, your own atti­tude matters a lot!

Task 1. Watch the webinar Moti­va­tion in Job Hunting. You need to regis­ter with your email address to be able to join the webinar (Momen­tum project 2021)

What drives you in your life and career? Recog­niz­ing your personal motives helps you to make better deci­sions and plan a career path that suits you the best. You can also struc­ture more effi­cient and enjoy­able every day habits for your job hunting by under­stand­ing your motives.

This webinar concen­trates on explor­ing differ­ent motives, and iden­ti­fy­ing your own motives and the best ways for utiliz­ing them. You will also get some advice on keeping up the moti­va­tion when facing chal­lenges as a job hunter.

The jobs I’m inter­ested in

What kind of career and job do you want? What’s the job you want to work in your line of busi­ness? Do you want to work in customer service or do you like working alone in the middle of nature? Do you appre­ci­ate flex­i­ble working hours or do you like fixed working hours from 8am to 4pm? What are the tasks that moti­vate you or what kind of work envi­ron­ment you want to work in? What kind of qual­i­ties and know-how are required from a profes­sional in your field?

Task 1:

1. Think about what kind of jobs you could work in the future. What is your target job and what are your ideal job tasks? What is the working climate and working envi­ron­ment like in your future work­place? Who are the customers and what kind of services/products the company offers?

2. Explore and find out:

3. compa­nies that you are inter­ested in and would like to/could be employed in the future. There should be at least 3 companies.

4. Find out if there are duties/jobs you can apply for in compa­nies of interest.

5. Report what skills do you need to complete the job? What personal qual­i­ties do you need at work?

6. Judge how you would fit for the job in question.

Differ­ent chan­nels and new ways of doing and provid­ing work

Some employ­ers still report vacan­cies, for example in local press, but the inter­net has made job search consid­er­ably easier and changed it signif­i­cantly. People may no longer neces­sar­ily work their entire working life for the same employer, but are increas­ingly seeking to work in new sectors. The ways of working have also changed. They also impose new require­ments on employ­ment services. It is no longer enough to look for jobs in the daily news­pa­per, but there are many chan­nels and ways to adver­tise and apply for a job.

Job vacan­cies, projects and job oppor­tu­ni­ties can be found in many differ­ent chan­nels. Job brows­ing has become easier and faster through mobil­i­sa­tion. Various job search appli­ca­tions and services allow you to browse and search for vacan­cies regard­less of time and place.

Plat­form work or Crowd work

Jobs are offered and searched through various online services, online meeting places, i.e. digital platforms.

The employee declares on the plat­form that he/she is looking for a job or taking/seeking for a job already avail­able there. The contrac­tor will report on the plat­form about the work, task or project.

Thus, there is a digital plat­form between the employee and the employer the main­te­nance of which is a busi­ness for the oper­a­tor of the plat­form. The plat­form oper­a­tor may be respon­si­ble for the payment of wages, taxes and employer contri­bu­tions (e.g. employ­ment pension insur­ance contri­bu­tion, social secu­rity contri­bu­tion, health insur­ance premium, method of work insur­ance contri­bu­tion) or the work can also be done as a self-employed person, in which case the person takes care of the above mentioned contributions. 

Check out various job websites, recruit­ment and HR compa­nies. There are a few exam­ples below.

Bolt Works
The Euro­pean Job Mobil­ity Portal

TE services for unem­ployed jobseekers

TE services can be found on the TE services website. Here you will find help, infor­ma­tion and advice on, for example, job search, unem­ploy­ment, the Youth Guar­an­tee, studies and the services offered by the TE Office. Videos of the services are also avail­able to you.

Human Resources and Recruit­ment Companies

Person­nel Service

The Person­nel Service provides compa­nies with assis­tance in hiring person­nel, recruit­ing perma­nent staff, assess­ing suit­abil­ity or outsourc­ing. Through them, compa­nies receive labour for both tempo­rary and fixed term needs. The employee enters into an employ­ment rela­tion­ship with a staff leasing agency and works through them for another company. This is a way to build up work expe­ri­ence and get acquainted with jobs in differ­ent fields. Tempo­rary leasing agency work is suit­able for someone looking for short-time jobs, for example.

Recruit­ment companies

Recruit­ment compa­nies offer recruit­ment services to other compa­nies and a way to work life for the jobseek­ers. Recruit­ment compa­nies are inter­me­di­aries who get to know the appli­cants on behalf of the company. They also provide appli­cants with addi­tional infor­ma­tion about the compa­nies, vacan­cies and prepare them for inter­views. Recruit­ment compa­nies facil­i­tate the recruit­ment process of employ­ers, as they pick only a frac­tion of the number of appli­cants to the final inter­view with the actual employer. Recruit­ment compa­nies also actively adver­tise jobs on their own website and social media channels.

Task 2. Could you get employed through a recruit­ment company?

Find out which recruit­ment compa­nies offer jobs in your sector.

List the name of the recruit­ment company and what kind of job vacancy you found there.

Find the follow­ing items in the job advertisement:

• What train­ing is required for the job

• What sector-specific skills are required for the job

• What kind of work expe­ri­ence is required for the job

• What other skills are consid­ered to be an advan­tage in the job

Task 3. Watch the webinar The Hidden Job Market. You need to regis­ter with your email address to be able to join the webinar (Momen­tum project 2021)

It is esti­mated that up to 70-80% of job oppor­tu­ni­ties never end up in an open job search or job adver­tise­ment (Sitra’s research). How and where to find these hidden jobs and how you should apply for them?

This webinar will go through the concrete steps:

  •     How to find hidden jobs and the right one for you
  •     How to describe your compe­tences and target your skills on work that may not yet even exist
  •     How to stand out from the crowd and show your added value to poten­tial employers.

All these are impor­tant skills that will help you along your career in a chang­ing work life.