1 Introduction
2 Legislation governing the plan
3 Key concepts
4 Other plans, regulations and principles related to the plan
5 Description of the planning process
6 Previously implemented measures
7 Mapping the equality and non-discrimination situation
7.1 Staff
7.2 Students
8 Measures and goals for the plan period 2025-2027
9 Monitoring and communication of the implementation
10 Sources
1 Introduction
At Karelia UAS, we respect the human dignity of every individual regardless of their gender, origin, religion, health status, opinions, or other personal characteristics. The purpose of this Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan is to promote the fulfillment of legal obligations and to support our entire university community in promoting equality and non-discrimination and preventing discrimination.
2 Legislation governing the plan
Equality of persons is a fundamental right under Section 6 of the Constitution of Finland (731/1999), the core of which is the prohibition of placing people in unequal positions on the basis of gender, age, origin, language, religion, belief, opinion, state of health, disability, or other personal characteristics without justifiable cause. The promotion of equality and equal opportunities is regulated in more detail in the Act on Equality between Women and Men (609/1986) and the Non-discrimination Act (1325/2014). (See Figure 1.) These laws require employers and educational institutions to have an equality and non-discrimination plan drawn up at regular intervals. The plans can be prepared separately or together. The plan must include an inventory of the current situation, the actions planned to promote equality and non-discrimination and an assessment of the implementation of measures under the previous plans.
The tasks of universities of applied sciences and matters related to e.g. student admissions and study rights are defined in the Universities of Applied Sciences Act (932/2014). Workplace activities are governed by occupational safety legislation. The Employment Contracts Act (55/2001) regulates matters related to employment relationships and contracts, such as the drafting of employment contracts, the duties of employees and employers, and family leave. The Occupational Safety and Health Act (738/2002) stipulates the safety of the work environment and working conditions.

Figure 1. Characteristics of a person protected by legislation
3 Key concepts
This plan addresses the legal obligations mentioned above. The principles of equality and non-discrimination work are not only about addressing issues but also about systematically promoting equality and non-discrimination. In this plan, we understand the concepts of equality, non-discrimination, diversity, discrimination, and racism in the following ways:
Equality refers to gender equality as defined by the Act on Equality between Women and Men (609/1986) and non-discrimination related to gender identity or gender expression. We respect each person’s experience of their own gender and its expressions. We ensure that everyone has equal opportunities to study and work regardless of their gender.
Non-discrimination means the equality of all people as defined by the Non-Discrimination Act (1352/2014), regardless of their gender, age, ethnic or national origin, nationality, language, religion and belief, opinion, disability, status of health, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics. The principle of non-discrimination includes both equality before the law and the prohibition of discrimination. We ensure the realization of equal rights for both students and employees through our actions and, if necessary, apply positive special treatment procedures.
Diversity refers to differences among people in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, language, and disability (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health 2024). People’s education, values, and personality are also part of diversity. We are a diverse university committed to an equal and non-discriminatory approach. Safety, inclusiveness, and community are key values of our study and work community.
Discrimination involves treating a person less favorably than others in a similar situation due to one or more personal characteristics. Discrimination can be based on a person’s age, gender, sexual orientation, origin, language, disability, or other factors. Discrimination can be direct, indirect, or, for example, the denial of reasonable adjustments. Discriminating instructions and orders are also discrimination. Positive special measures taken to achieve actual equality and non-discrimination are not discrimination. (Non-Discrimination Ombudsman 2024a.) We do not accept discrimination and address any issues we observe.
Racism is a form of discrimination where people and assumed groups of people are placed in an inferior position based on ethnic origin, skin color, nationality, culture, mother tongue, or religion. Racialization is a central process of racism, where people are associated with (negative) characteristics and prejudices based on e.g. ethnicity. Racism can manifest at the levels of everyday life, culture, and structures. Structural racism refers to racism embedded in the norms, practices, and structures of institutions and society, which cannot be traced to a single actor. (Non-Discrimination Ombudsman 2024b.) We do not accept racism and strive to act actively and systematically against it (anti-racism).
4 Other plans, regulations and principles related to the subject
Karelia is committed to promoting equality and non-discrimination at all levels of organization. In addition to this plan, the following plans, regulations, and principles support the realization of equality and non-discrimination:
Karelia2030 strategy outlines the strategic priorities and values of our operations. According to the strategy, Karelia is a respected, well-being, and international higher education community guided by responsibility. Our strategic priorities include promoting sustainable well-being, education-based immigration and internationalization, and the green transition. Karelia’s values are responsibility, bold initiative, and proximity to working life. The Operational and Administrative Regulations define the internal organization and management of the university of applied sciences within the framework of the administrative regulations.
Karelia’s ethical principles (Code of Conduct) are operational principles that guide responsible actions in accordance with our shared values and principles. These principles have been developed together with our entire community and serve as guidelines for study and work life. The principles are available on Karelia’s website and intrapages. House Rules for Safer Space, developed in collaboration with the student union POKA, are operational guidelines whose principles promote the realization of a safer space. These guidelines are used in Karelia’s premises, events, and online platforms.
Our Accessibility Plan outlines the goals and measures set to promote accessibility. The accessibility criteria developed in the national in the national Opiskelukyky, hyvinvointi ja osallisuus, OHO! (in English Student Ability, Well-being, and Inclusion) project are used as the structure of Karelia’s plan.
Karelia’s sustainability and responsibility work is outlined in our Sustainable Development and Responsibility Program. (See Figure 2.) Our work is guided by the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 program and the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Ecological, social, cultural, and economic sustainability and responsibility are considered in all our activities. Social sustainability and responsibility are reflected in goals such as promoting gender equality, reducing inequality, and providing quality education.

Figure 2. Karelia’s goals of sustainable development according to our strategic choices (Karelia UAS’ Sustainable Development and Responsibility Program 2023).
Degree Regulations serve as a key document in education and the document provides the foundation for equal and fair treatment of students. The responsibilities and duties of both students and staff are defined in the regulations. They clarify the legislation on universities of applied sciences and outline matters such as student admissions, study rights, and practices related to studies. In entrance exam situations, national guidelines are followed, including special arrangements. Students have the right to request corrections to decisions affecting them. Correction requests are handled by the degree committee.
In accordance with open science and research, an open culture of action and good scientific practices are followed in all research, development, and innovation (RDI) activities. Karelia UAS has joined the European agreement and coalition for advancing research assessment (CoARA) in 2023. Karelia’s CoARA Action Plan has been prepared for the years 2024–2027.
RDI activities also promote sustainable development goals and develop sustainable solutions. Programs funded by the EU Commission aim to eliminate gender inequality, improve work-life balance, and promote gender equality in research and innovation activities. A Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is a mandatory document for organizations applying for funding from the Horizon Europe program if they belong to public bodies, universities, or research institutions (see figures 3 and 4).

Figure 3. Requirements for the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) process in the Horizon Europe program (Pepine, A. European Commission 2021).

Figure 4. Recommended content areas for the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) (Pepine, A. European Commission 2021).
The Personnel Plan based on Karelia’s strategy is prepared for the strategy period and serves to support personnel management. The program outlines, among other things, practices for recruitment and career development. Other personnel policy programs, such as the Workplace Development Plan and Career Program, support the personnel plan. The cooperation and occupational safety committees act as collaborative bodies between the employer and employees.
5 Description of the planning process
Karelia UAS’ first equality plan was prepared for the years 2009–2011. The non-discrimination plan was combined with the equality plan, and Karelia’s ethical principles were developed for the years 2013–2015. The plan has since been evaluated and updated for the years 2016–2018, 2019–2021, and 2022–2024.
The update of the Equality and Non-Discrimination plan for the years 2025–2027 was carried out at the end of the year 2024. The working group responsible for drafting the plan included HR-Specialist Aino Päivinen, Equality and Occupational Safety Representative, Lecturer Joni Ranta, Director of Human Resources and Corporate Responsibility Jaana Tolkki, and Workplace Steward, Information Expert Kaisa Varis. Specialist Tiia Vänskä from student union POKA also participated in the work.
The working group was responsible for updating and implementing the staff equality and non-discrimination survey, proposing measures for the upcoming planning period, and drafting the written output of the Equality and Non-Discrimination plan. The planning work was carried out in collaboration with teams and experts within the organization.
The equality and non-discrimination planning work was discussed in Karelia’s occupational safety and cooperation committees, the work well-being group, and the collaboration group between the student union POKA and Karelia during October-November 2024. The goals and measures of the plan were agreed upon by Karelia’s management team on November 12, 2024. The plan was approved by the CEO and president of Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Petri Raivo, on 18th of December 2024.
6 Previously implemented measures
The legislation and other plans, programs, and principles guiding the operations of Karelia UAS have been described above in this plan. In addition, Karelia’s previous equality and non-discrimination plans have included numerous measures to promote equality and non-discrimination, many of which have become established as part of the university’s normal operations. The key models and measures of Karelia to promote equality and non-discrimination are presented in Table 1 for the entire university community, staff, and students.
Earlier plan periods (2009–2021) | Plan period 2022–2024 | |
Karelia’s community | – Declaring a discrimination-free zone – Procedure for reporting inappropriate treatment or harassment, harassment contact persons | – House Rules for Safer Space – Accessibility Plan – Ethical principles (Code of Conduct) – Quiet rooms on campuses – Survey about racism |
Staff | – Regular staff feedback surveys and student satisfaction (OPALA) surveys – Model of Active Caring – Age Program – Work Well-Being program – Work well-being activities – Career Guidance and Planning Models (job rotations, work-life periods, mentoring program) – Development of occupational health collaboration – Measures supporting work ergonomics | – Establishing the role of an equality representative – Career Program – Model for Modified Work – Principles for Multi-location Work – Piloting succession planning – Caregiver Leave and First School Day Leave for First Graders – Supervisor Clinics on themes related to equality and non-discrimination – Training on the family leave reform for HR and supervisors |
Students | – Regular student feedback surveys – VIP (in Finnish Välittämisen Ilmapiiri, meaning an Atmosphere for Caring) activities – Well-being fairs for students – Measures for considering different kinds of learners (special support guidelines, guidance counseling and support services, modified teaching and study arrangements) | – Development of accessible teaching and learning environments (e.g. accessible Moodle templates) – Development of learning support services (e.g., academic counseling, study circles, and support groups) – POKA’s INTO Activities – Development of student tutoring – Measures promoting group formation – Guidelines for the Student Community |
Table 1. Karelia’s key models and measures to promote equality and non-discrimination.
7 Mapping the equality and non-discrimination situation
The equality and non-discrimination plan must include an assessment of the implementation and results of previous measures. Monitoring the goals and measures supports progress and changes.
This plan has utilized the results of staff and student surveys as well as collected statistical data. The statistical data is from the year 2023, which is the most recent complete calendar year at the time of the planning work. For technical reasons, the data is categorized by legal gender, and gender diversity is not reflected in the statistics. The need for information and recognition related to gender diversity has been acknowledged at Karelia.
7.1 Staff
We aim at transparency in all of Karelia’s recruitment processes, and we follow set operational guidelines. Open positions are posted for either internal and/or external application. The most suitable candidate is selected for the open position regardless of factors such as age, gender, nationality, or other factors related to equality and equity. If the candidates are otherwise equally suitable and qualified, positive special treatment procedures may be applied in the recruitment process.
Staff salaries are determined according to the current collective agreement. The jobs’ demand levels are assessed based on criteria planned in cooperation and are defined in the collective agreement. Salary tables and job level descriptions are available on Karelia’s staff intra. The principles of career advancement are transparent and outlined in the career program, for example.
The statistical data on staff compiled for this plan were retrieved from the payroll program in October 2024. Key staff-related data are presented in the tables of Appendix 1. A real-time staff report is available to employees in the Karelia-Vipunen service.
Karelia’s staff number in 2023 was approximately 242 person-years (FTE). About 60% of the staff are women and 40% are men (see Table 1). Karelia employs teaching, RDI, and administrative and support staff. The most typical job titles are presented by gender in tables 2 and 3.
The salary survey for permanent employees for 2023 is presented in table 4. The average monthly salary is presented according to title and gender. Salary differences are explained partly by experience allowances and job demand assessment allowances in accordance with the collective agreement. Karelia follows the collective agreement of universities of applied sciences by Sivistysala ry (Sivista).
The prevalence of parental leave usage among women and men at Karelia is presented in table 5. The information is presented according to the parental leave reform that came into effect on August 1, 2022. With the reform, each parent receives 160 parental allowance days. Additionally, a pregnant person is entitled to pregnancy allowance for 40 allowance days. In Finland, women still take the majority of parental leave. Karelia encourages employees to use parental leave regardless of gender and supports returning to work after the leave.
Staff’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Survey and Poll
The Equality and Non-Discrimination Acts impose an obligation on the employer to assess the state of equality and non-discrimination in the workplace. As part of this obligation, an equality and non-discrimination survey was conducted for the staff of Karelia, the results of which have been utilized in this Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan. The aim of the survey is to provide information on the staff’s experiences of the realization of equality and non-discrimination in the workplace and potential areas for improvement.
The survey included four different areas:
- The realization of equality and non-discrimination in the workplace,
- The reconciliation of work and other areas of life,
- Discrimination, harassment, and inappropriate language use, and
- The needs for the development of equality and non-discrimination.
As a new part, the survey mapped the staff’s experiences of opportunities to take part in the development work of the work community, and awareness of the work community’s equality and non-discrimination efforts. Scales, multiple-choice questions, and open-ended questions were used to measure the areas. The survey was conducted using the Webropol system and was available in both Finnish and English.
The survey was open from August 26th to September 9th, 2024. The staff was informed about the survey at a staff meeting on August 26th, 2024, and a news article and later a reminder were published on the staff intranet. The survey advertisements were visible in the staff break rooms during the response period. A total of 40 responses were received, which is about 12 percent of the staff. Due to the relatively low response rate, the survey results are treated as indicative.
According to the survey results, equality and non-discrimination are perceived to be well realized in Karelia. The realization of equality and non-discrimination was requested to be assessed on a five-point scale (1–5) in the listed areas. Based on the survey, the work community of Karelia realizes fairly or very well:
- Gender equality (average ~4.3)
- Best realized in education and study opportunities as well as in recruitment and staff selection, weakest in salaries
- Equality of employees of different ages (average ~3.9)
- Best realized in social interaction as well as in recruitment and staff selection, weakest in the selection of management and supervisors
- Equality related to ethnicity, nationality, and language (average ~3.8)
- Best realized in salaries as well as in education and study opportunities, weakest in the selection of management and supervisors
- Equality of employees in different types of employment (permanent, fixed-term, full-time, or part-time) (average ~3.9)
- Best realized in the selection of management and supervisors as well as in social interaction, weakest in education and study opportunities
The equality of different minorities was mapped using an open-ended question: “How is the equal treatment of different minorities (e.g., sexual and gender minorities) followed at your workplace?” Most of the respondents assessed that the equality of minorities is well followed, and no issues were observed in the treatment of minorities. On the other hand, it was mentioned in the responses that it is difficult to assess equality if one does not belong to a minority themself. Minorities were also perceived as relatively invisible in Karelia.
One part of the survey examined how the staff of Karelia can reconcile their work with the care of relatives, relationships, friends, studies, hobbies, or side jobs. On average, about half (50.8%) of the respondents had experienced challenges in reconciling work and other areas of life in the past year, most often once or twice a year. The most challenges were reported in reconciling studies and hobbies as well as the care of relatives and work.
The majority of the respondents had not observed and/or encountered sexual or gender-based harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate language use in their work, but inappropriate behavior was still reported. The reasons for discrimination were thought to be age, ethnicity, nationality or language, sexual orientation, health status or disability, or other reasons. Harassment was reported to be mainly verbal, such as using ambiguous or suggestive language and derogatory speech related to gender. Inappropriate use of language was slightly more common than discrimination and harassment. In most cases, the respondent did not know whether inappropriate behavior had been addressed. This may be explained by the fact that most of the experiences were observational rather than based on experience.
According to the survey, the staff’s awareness of equality and non-discrimination work is good. Almost all respondents were aware of Karelia’s Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan. On the other hand, areas for improvement included awareness of the work of the equality officer of Karelia and communication about equality issues in the work community. The majority of respondents feel they are part of their work community as themselves, and opportunities to influence the development work of the work community are mostly perceived positively.
Based on the survey, the most important areas for the development of equality and non-discrimination were considered to be the promotion of a positive atmosphere and open discussion in the work community, equality and non-discrimination training, and joint events, workshops, and campaigns. Other development wishes mentioned in the open feedback included the development of knowledge and skills, clear and open communication, and keeping the theme visible, promoting community spirit, and zero tolerance for inappropriate behavior.
In addition to the survey, a participatory task was carried out for the staff, which was found to have reached a larger number of participants than the survey. The so-called “Pea Poll” was carried out by placing jars marked with different areas of equality and non-discrimination in the staff break rooms. Each respondent received three peas, which they could use to vote for the areas they considered most important to be developed in Karelia. The results of the poll are presented in Table 2.
Theme | Votes (peas) |
Gender equality | 61 |
Equality related to sexual orientation and family relations | 70 |
Equality related to origin and nationality | 58 |
Equality related to religion, language and culture | 51 |
Equality related to age | 93 |
Equality related to one’s status of health or disability | 83 |
Votes (peas) alltogether | 416 |
Table 2. The results of the staff’s Pea Poll.
7.2 Students
Karelia’s equality and non-discrimination plan applies to Karelia both as an employer and as an educational institution. We consider collaboration with students to be important, and we support the students’ opportunities to influence our shared community. The work of this plan has been carried out in cooperation with Tiia Vänskä, an expert from the student union POKA. Below is a description of POKA’s role in promoting equality and non-discrimination.
During this planning period, a separate equality and non-discrimination survey was not conducted for students due to the low reach of previous surveys. To support student participation, we organized a poll on campuses. In the future, students can provide feedback on themes related to equality and non-discrimination as part of the annual student satisfaction (OPALA) survey.
The statistics related to students compiled in this plan are based on Karelia’s own data collection and reporting. The data was retrieved in November 2024. The information concerning students is presented in Appendix 2 of the plan. Table 1 in the appendix describes the gender distribution of Karelia’s students by field of study. Table 2 presents the number of students categorized by nationality.
Student satisfaction at Karelia
Since 1999, Karelia University of Applied Sciences has been regularly collecting OPALA annual feedback from all students enrolled in degree programs. The aim of the survey is to measure student satisfaction and gather feedback on curricula, the implementation of education, study guidance, and the development of skills. The feedback received is used to improve the operations of the university and its degree programs.
According to the latest OPALA feedback survey from 2023, students are satisfied with the planning of their studies and the quality of teaching. The survey was answered by 58% of bachelor’s degree students and 47% of master’s degree students. Students are particularly satisfied with the expert teaching and the efficient collaboration with teachers. They are also content with the content of their studies.
However, there is room for improvement in promoting student well-being and community spirit. According to the feedback, student satisfaction with their own well-being and study well-being was below the set target, as was the sense of belonging to a close-knit community of teachers and students. These areas for development are also considered in equality and non-discrimination planning.
It has been decided to discontinue the separate equality and non-discrimination survey previously conducted for students, and in the future, students will be able to provide feedback on equality and non-discrimination issues as part of the OPALA annual feedback.
Students’ Poll
In September 2024, Karelia UAS together with Karelia’s Student Union POKA, and the Multicultural Study Paths project conducted the Pea Poll described in Chapter 7.1 of this plan for students at the Tikkarinne and Wärtsilä campuses. Representatives from the student union and human resources were present for one afternoon at each of the campuses. The poll was carried out by setting up information points in the campus lobbies, where students could participate in the poll and discuss themes related to equality and non-discrimination. Nearly a hundred visitors attended the information points during the days. The results of the Pea Poll are shown in Table 3.
Theme | Votes (peas) |
Gender equality | 61 |
Equality related to sexual orientation and family relations | 39 |
Equality related to origin and nationality | 44 |
Equality related to religion, language and culture | 46 |
Equality related to age | 43 |
Equality related to one’s status of health or disability | 56 |
Votes (peas) alltogether | 289 |
Table 3. The results of the students’ Pea Poll.
The Pea Poll proved to be a viable method for gathering students’ opinions. The task effectively reached passing students, and the voting itself went smoothly. Some students stopped to discuss further or to inquire about the activities of the student union. In the future, it could be considered how to reach even more students and encourage more open exchange of ideas. The results of the voting have been considered in the planning process.
Student union POKA as a promoter for equality and non-discrimination
The Student Union POKA is an important partner in Karelia’s equality and non-discrimination work. POKA is strongly connected to the daily lives of Karelia’s students, in addition to which it has an advocacy role. Activities are organized with the principle of “students for students,” and through POKA, students can for example make initiatives and influence joint activities. Karelia and the student union hold monthly cooperation meetings to discuss current issues and themes.
POKA’s work on equality and non-discrimination has become increasingly visible in recent years. The central principle of the student union is “come as you are.” In 2023, POKA and Karelia jointly launched House Rules for Safer Space, which have been prominently adopted throughout the community. Additionally, the parties have jointly developed guidelines for dealing with discrimination, harassment, racism, and bullying situations. The student union has trained harassment contact persons whom students can confidentially contact.
Equality is also addressed with tutors and students participating in the “Atmosphere of Caring” training, and open training on the topic has been organized in collaboration with Pohjois-Karjalan Seta ry. POKA organizes, among other things, information stands and equality campaigns as part of North Karelia Pride Week. In its activities, the student union has paid attention to the sense of security of LGBTQ+ students, gender-sensitive language, and the accessibility of guidance and teaching.
The development of equality work and anti-racism efforts will continue as part of the Monikulttuuriset opintopolut (in English Multicultural Study Paths) project from 2024 to 2026, highlighting the “Karelia for All” concept and the theme of diversity. From the perspective of student representation, it is important that POKA’s activities include members from all student groups, and the student union represents a diverse student community. As part of the Monikulttuuriset opintopolut project, the position of international and non-Finnish-speaking students in decision-making will be strengthened. As part of the project, POKA has reviewed its activities and set development goals from a multicultural perspective: In 2025, the Kieli- ja kulttuuritietoinen POKA (in English Language and Culture Aware POKA) campaign will be launched, which will include training on the theme for student union members. Inclusivity of communication and events will be taken further into account.
8 Measures and Goals for the Plan Period 2025-2027
The following three themes have been selected as development areas for the planning period 2025–2027: 1) Equality-Conscious, 2) Diverse, and 3) International Karelia. These themes have been chosen based on Karelia’s strategic choices, goals, and values, as well as staff and student surveys. The goals and measures to achieve them have been developed together with the working group responsible for the planning, Karelia’s management, occupational safety and cooperation committees, the well-being group, and the Karelia-POKA cooperation group. The goals and measures for 2025–2027 are summarized in Table 4.
Equality-Conscious Karelia: The goal of this theme is to integrate the perspective of equality and non-discrimination into the university’s work and to increase general awareness of these themes. The equality and non-discrimination plan will be communicated to staff and students, and its implementation will be monitored in cooperation with various committees. We will make these themes visible by integrating them into orientation, development discussions, and staff feedback. Additionally, we will provide training for both staff and students.
Diverse Karelia: The goal of this theme is to create a safe and diversity-appreciating environment. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination and promote the implementation of zero tolerance. We are a diverse university community, which we aim to highlight in our communications. We actively monitor the satisfaction of our staff and students from the perspectives of equality and non-discrimination and address any issues as needed. It is important to us that our university is safe for everyone, and therefore we aim to raise awareness of diversity. Measures include updating the accessibility plan and developing age management.
International Karelia: The goal of this theme is to support the integration of international degree students, students with an immigrant background, and exchange students into the university community and to ensure bilingual communication. Measures include providing language and cultural training for staff and promoting positive interaction between different student groups. Developing support and advisory services for international students is one of Karelia’s strategic measures. Several externally funded development projects are underway related to this theme (e.g., Multicultural Study Paths, Talent Hub Eastern Finland).
We are committed to promoting equality and non-discrimination. We actively participate in equality work and communicate about it openly. | We will communicate about the new equality and non-discrimination plan | Communications to staff and students (intranets, staff meeting) | Working group HR Communications | |
We ensure the implementation and monitoring of the plan’s measures in cooperation with the occupational safety and cooperation committees, as well as the Karelia-POKA cooperation group. We utilize the development work carried out in RDI projects. | Biannual follow-ups in joint meetings of the cooperation and occupational safety committees | HR Occupational safety committee Cooperation committee Karelia-POKA cooperation group RDI projects | ||
We will include themes of equality and non-discrimination into induction, development discussions and staff surveys | Updating the induction models, development discussion forms and staff surveys | HR | ||
We will provide our staff and students with more information on equality and non-discrimination | Completed trainings, briefs and events | Management HR Degree programs POKA | ||
Our university is a safe environment for everyone. We appreciate diversity and act according to the principle of equity. We consider the needs of our diverse community. | We will further develop inclusive and diversity-promoting communications, e.g. in job posting and marketing | Updating the visual outlook and content in job postings Updating the visual outlook used in student recruiting and marketing | HR Communications | |
We will actively follow the satisfaction of our staff and students and address any issues noted | Student satisfaction (OPALA) ja QWL (Quality of Working Life) surveys, Pulse surveys for staff, forms for reporting harrassment, safety observations POKA’s advocacy activities | Management HR Degree programs POKA | ||
We support the work ability and well-being of employees of different ages and in different life situations, enhance communication about support measures availabe, and provide supervisors with support in managing diversity when needed | Induction model for young employees Senior Leaves Targeted well-being groups for staff Developing the mentoring programme Clinics for supervisors | Management HR | ||
We will update our accessibility plan for the period 2025-2028 and act accordingly to promote accessibility | Updating the accessibility plan and following its implementation | Management Assigned working group | ||
We will raise awareness on diversity and support our community in taking part in our work | Completed campaigns (e.g. a living library) | HR Degree programmes POKA | ||
We will examine the possibility of introducing a third gender marker in staff and student records. | Report | HR Student administration IT administration | ||
We are an international university community. We support the integration of exchange students and students with an immigration background into our community. We do not tolerate discrimination or racism. | We will make sure that the staff and students have access to crucial information both in Finnish and in English We will set a guideline for translating key documents and instructions | Bilingual communication on our website and social media, student and staff intranets, and staff meetings | Communications HR (staff) Student administration and support services (students) POKA (students) | |
We will offer low threshold language and culture training for our staff | Completed training | Management HR | ||
We will create opportunities for positive interaction between students with international backgrounds and native Finnish students | POKA’s leisure activities Teaching implementation practices | Degree programs (teaching) RDI projects POKA (leisure activities) | ||
We support the integration of students with international backgrounds into our university community, Finnish society, and work life | Futher devoloping our guidance and advisory services (e.g. launching Integration Services) POKA’s services and leisure activities | Degree programs Student administration and support services International services RDI projects POKA |
Table 4. The goals and measures of the Equality and Non-Discrimination Plan 2025–2027.
9 Monitoring and communication of the implementation
The results of the staff equality and non-discrimination survey were communicated on the staff intranet in October 2024. Information about the equality and non-discrimination plan for 2025–2027 and the measures it contains for the upcoming period will be communicated to students and staff at the beginning of 2025. As part of the measures for the upcoming planning period, efforts will be made to enhance communication about equality and non-discrimination work within our community.
The implementation of the measures set out in this plan is the responsibility of the designated responsible parties for each measure. The monitoring of the achievement of the objectives is the responsibility of the working group that prepared the plan, the occupational safety and cooperation committees, and the Karelia-POKA cooperation group. The work aims for systematic planning and impact.
Karelia. Let’s craft a better tomorrow. Together.
10 Sources
Act on Equality between Women and Men 609/1986. Available in Finnish online:
Constitution of Finland 731/1999. Available in Finnish online:
Employment Contracts Act 55/2001. Available in Finnish online: 2024.
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. 2024. Monimuotoinen työelämä. Available in Finnish online:
Karelia UAS. 2023. Sustainable Development and Responsibility Programme.
Non-discrimination Act 1325/2014. Available in Finnish online:
Non-Discrimination Ombudsman. 2024a. Discrimination. Available online:
Non-Discrimination Ombudsman. 2024b. Racism. Available online:
Occupational Safety and Health Act 738/2002. Available in Finnish online:
Ombudsman for Equality. 2024.
Pepin, A. 2021. How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe: Horizontal Aspects, Esitys. European komissio. 21.4.2021. Available online:
Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014. Available in Finnish online:
Appendix 1. Staff related data
Gender distribution of personnel 2023 (by legal gender) | |
Women | 60,4 % |
Men | 39,6 % |
Table 1. Gender distribution of personnel 2023 (by legal gender).
Most common job titles, permanent employees 2023 (by legal gender) | ||
Job title | Women (n) | Men (n) |
Lecturer | 73 | 59 |
Teacher | 16 | 2 |
Senior Teacher | 6 | 8 |
Head of Education | 7 | 2 |
Project Expert | 4 | 5 |
Project Manager | 0 | 4 |
Table 2. Most common job titles, permanent employees 2023 (by legal gender).
Most common job titles, temporary employees 2023 (by legal gender) | ||
Job title | Women (n) | Men (n) |
Teacher | 11 | 4 |
Part-time teacher | 14 | 7 |
Project Worker | 1 | 3 |
Project Coordinator | 7 | 4 |
Project Expert | 12 | 4 |
Project Manager | 3 | 3 |
Table 3. Most common job titles, temporary employees 2023 (by legal gender).
Salary survey 2023, permanent employees (by legal gender) | |||
Average total earnings/month by job title | Women | Men | Difference in salary |
Senior Teacher | 5906 | 6228 | 5 % |
Lecturer | 4909 | 5312 | 8 % |
Teacher | 4341 | 5139 | 16 % |
Upper management, middle management and administrative heads | 6261 | 6562 | 5 % |
Administrative and support staff | 3763 | 3604 | 4 % |
Project staff | 4169 | 4459 | 7 % |
Table 4. Average earnings/month 2023, Karelia’s permanent employees.
Use of parental leave, 2023 (by legal gender) | ||
Used parental leave days (n) by type | Women | Men |
Maternity leave | 94 | 0 |
Childcare leave | 516 | 153 |
Temporary childcare leave | 26 | 12 |
Parental leave, birthing parent | 698 | 0 |
Parental leave, non-birthing parent | 0 | 169 |
Table 5. Use of parental leave of Karelia’s staff, 2023.
Appendix 2. Student related data
Gender distribution of students 2023 (by legal gender) | |||
Degree programme | Women | Men | Overall |
Bachelor of health care, Physiotherapy | 110 | 58 | 168 |
Bachelor of health care, Gerontology | 75 | 4 | 79 |
Master of health care, Master of social services, Active Aging | 106 | 2 | 108 |
Bachelor of engineering,Energy and Environmental Engineering | 55 | 115 | 170 |
Bachelor of engineering, Industrial Management | 52 | 94 | 146 |
Bachelor of engineering, Information and Communication Technology | 35 | 72 | 107 |
Bachelor of engineering,Mechanical Engineering | 10 | 160 | 170 |
Bachelor of engineering,Civil Engineering | 56 | 227 | 283 |
Bachelor of engineering,Building Services Engineering | 15 | 106 | 121 |
Master of engineering, Technology Competence Management | 11 | 75 | 86 |
Bachelor of culture and arts, Communication | 118 | 111 | 229 |
Bachelor of natural resources, Forestry | 47 | 169 | 216 |
Bachelor of hospitality management, Tourism | 83 | 36 | 119 |
Bachelor of health care, Nursing | 399 | 88 | 487 |
Master of health care, Master of social services, Development and Management of Health Care and Social Services | 101 | 21 | 122 |
Bachelor of social services, Social Services | 346 | 55 | 401 |
Master of engineering, Sustainability Management | 11 | 7 | 18 |
Bachelor of health care, Public Health Nursing | 111 | 3 | 114 |
Bachelor of health care, Occupational Therapy | 56 | 4 | 60 |
Bachelor of business administration, International Business | 130 | 136 | 266 |
Bachelor of business administration, Business Economics | 240 | 237 | 477 |
Bachelor of business administration, Business Information Technology | 94 | 207 | 301 |
Master of business administration, Business Management and Leadership | 93 | 36 | 129 |
Master of engineering, Intelligent Production | 1 | 17 | 18 |
Overall | 2355 | 2040 | 4395 |
Table 1. Gender distribution of Karelia’s students 2023 (by legal gender).
Students’ nationalities, 2024 | |
Student’s nationality | n |
Finnish | 3 743 |
Indian | 205 |
Russian | 116 |
Bangladeshi | 53 |
Vietnamese | 44 |
Sri Lankan | 25 |
Pakistan | 24 |
Nigerian | 23 |
Nepali | 19 |
Ukrainian | 10 |
Estonian | 7 |
Uzbek | 5 |
Other (n<5) | 57 |
Overall | 4 331 |
Table 2. Nationalities of students of Karelia (as of 1.12.2024).