Safety belongs to us all
The key words of safety and security work at Karelia University of Applied Sciences are planning and preparation, and good cooperation with all the members of the higher education community. The basis for all activities is anticipatory safety work and continuous development of higher education safety and security as part of the everyday activities. Identification of possible risks, risk assessment, and risk management form the basis for safety and security work, which means that safety and security risks related to our operations are assessed, processed and monitored regularly.
Organisation of safety and security work
The President of Karelia UAS and the Director of Administration and Finance are responsible for safety management at the UAS. The Director of Administration and Finance also works as the Safety Manager of Karelia UAS. In addition, Karelia UAS has a designated Safety Team responsible for managing UAS safety and security and for the preparations for possible threats and crises, and for the procedures and measures required for acute situations, and for crisis communication.
Every one of us is responsible for a safe work and study environment
The safety measures of Karelia UAS are meant for protecting the staff, students, service producers, visitors and other people moving around on campus premises.
Personal safety is ensured by organising e.g. safety and security walks and lessons, first aid courses, initial fire extinguishing training, and exiting practices, which are based on an annual training and orientation plan. Both the staff, students and other people operating on campus premises participate in these trainings.
All people moving around on Karelia UAS campus premises can report a safety observation. The observations may concern the premises or the equipment, walkways inside or outside campus buildings, courtyards or parking areas, or people moving around on the campus, whether they are members of the UAS community or outsiders. You can report the safety observation on Karelia UAS intranet (staff, students) or by using a QR code, or by sending email to turvallisuus(at) The observation is submitted to the Karelia UAS Safety Team, which handles all the safety observations and takes the necessary measures.
Tikkarinteen turvallisuusvideo Safety and security video / Tikkarinne campus
Wärtsilän turvallisuusvideo Safety and security video / Wärtsilä campus
Contact information:
Responsible for safety, president Petri Raivo, tel. +358 50 310 9749.
Data Protection at Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Data protection means protecting the personal data and other confidential or sensitive information of a person. By taking care of data protection, the responsibility and pertinence is ensured relative to legislation and ethical operating principles. The data protection policy of Karelia UAS defines the principles which ensure that in all operations of the university, personal details are processed according to law, and high level of data protection is maintained.
Karelia UAS collects and deals with registers which include personal details, related to studies, employees and to research, development and innovation activities (RDI). Karelia University of Applied Sciences Ltd. is the controller of these registers and those who process the personal data are processors.
Registering personal data is based on the consent of the subject, or on other basis defined by law. Personal data will only be handled for justified purposes, and only to the extent and length necessary for the purpose. The data collected is used for the purpose described when collecting them, within the boundaries set by legislation. The data collected may only be passed on if the grounds for passing on the data have been precised for the subject or mentioned in the legislation; and the parties receiving the data have been precised for the subject, or mentioned in the legislation. The Privacy Statements/Privacy Notices of Karelia University of Applied Sciences can be found by following this link:
The contact information of the data protection officer at Karelia University of Applied Sciences is: tel+358 50 525 0623 , email: tietosuoja(at), address: Karelia Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy, Tietosuojavastaava, Tikkarinne 9, 80200 Joensuu.
The rights of the registered person are determined according to the purpose of processing personal data. The registered person has the right to inspect the data concerning him/herself stored in the register. The request for the inspection has to be made to the controller of the register. The registered person has the right to request correction or removal of data, set limitations for the handling of his/her personal data, object the handling of the data, and s/he has the right to transfer data from one system to another. The registered person has the right to withdraw his/her consent to the handling of his/her personal data at any time. In addition, the registered person has the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. The data protection officer is the contact person in matters related to the rights of the registered person.
Person in Charge of Data Protection, p. +358 50 349 7097, email: tietosuoja(at)