Fysioterapian opiskelija

Spinal Mouse Back Examination

The Spinal Mouse is a scientifically proven, accurate, reliable and repeatable measurement of back posture and mobility that is quick and easy to perform. The examination gives you information about your posture, back mobility and back posture control.

For Whom

The examination is suitable for people with musculoskeletal problems, postural examination clients, athletes and physically active people.


The examinations are carried out by physiotherapy students working at TARMO. The test takes about 30 minutes. The back examination is done using the Spinal Mouse device, and the client gets to take home a written report of the results. The students analyse the results and provide treatment guidance when necessary.

The students who carry out the examination will pick you up from the information desk in the main lobby of building E at Tikkarinne campus (Tikkarinne 9) at the agreed time. Parking permits for the guest parking lot in the yard are available from the information desk if needed.

Preparing for the Back Examination

There is no need to prepare beforehand. The examination is calls for being undressed from waist up, as the measurement is taken from the bare back.  



5€/examination for students/pensioners/the unemployed 

Payment by debit/credit card at the coordinators’ office (E280) after the examination.

We do not accept cash or sports and culture vouchers.


Learning and Service Environment TARMO
Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu | Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Tikkarinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu
[email protected]
Tel. +358 50 913 1787