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Sport activies

Plenty of Sports Activities! Interested in golf, kickboxing, curling or etnobick? Willing to play floorball or football in a national level league?

There are dozens of sports clubs in Joensuu, everything from martial arts to petanque and from traditional individual level sports to team sports, even on national level. Besides sports club activities, you can do sports in many of the sports centres in the city and in the beautiful nature surrounding Joensuu. If looking for more extreme experiences, you can try sliding on ice with a snowboard and a paraglider, and if looking for peace and quiet, you can cross-country ski.

Besides, Karelia UAS Student Union POKA, Karelia UAS, University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) provides a great selection of sports services to all students in Joensuu. Check out the SYKETTÄ Calendar to find the opportunities.

Karelia University of Applied Sciences provides an opportunity to combine studies with world-class sports. If you are an athlete wishing to combine studying and goal-oriented athletics, you have a possibility to join Joensuu Sports Academy to train and study at the same time!