
Karelia2030 – sustain­able vitality

The Karelia2030 strat­egy was approved in the Board of Direc­tors’ meeting in Decem­ber 2019. In accor­dance with the estab­lished prac­tice and the plan set out in the strat­egy, the mid-term review of the of the strat­egy has been carried out in spring 2023. On the basis of the review, the strat­egy has been updated to reflect the chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties arising from the chang­ing oper­a­tional environment.

Strat­egy (pdf)

The popu­la­tion ages, work life changes, envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bil­ity concerns us all and the global situ­a­tion creates uncertainty

Central change trends in our oper­a­tional envi­ron­ment are trans­for­ma­tion of work, digi­tal­iza­tion, ageing popu­la­tion and climate change. As work trans­forms, also the orga­ni­za­tion of work, content and tech­nolo­gies as well as ways of working and compe­tence require­ments change. Employ­ment requires a solid educa­tional base, and respond­ing to quick changes in work calls for the constant update of compe­tences. Digi­tal­iza­tion serves as a major trans­for­ma­tive power in changes in tech­nol­ogy and compe­tence. The nature of work changes from routine tasks to infor­ma­tion-inten­sive expert work and the produc­tiv­ity require­ments rise. The ageing of the popu­la­tion and the decrease in younger age groups are concerns through­out Finland. The signif­i­cance of region­ally exten­sive higher educa­tion as a rein­forcer in vital­ity is growing, and the impor­tance of educa­tion-based immi­gra­tion is high­lighted. At the same time, compet­ing for students, compe­tences and part­ner­ships is high­lighted, as well. Finland has commit­ted to being a pioneer in fight­ing climate change. This calls for quick, major changes in society.

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences, Savonia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences and Univer­sity of Eastern Finland work together to support compe­ten­cies and vital­ity in Eastern Finland. In collab­o­ra­tion with differ­ent oper­a­tors, the insti­tu­tions of higher educa­tion invest in work and educa­tion-based immi­gra­tion and engag­ing experts in the needs of the region and the nation. The COVID-19 pandemic revo­lu­tionised teach­ing, learn­ing and working prac­tices. The trans­for­ma­tion of work accel­er­ated, and in many sectors the oper­a­tional require­ments changed dramat­i­cally. Digi­tal­i­sa­tion and the use of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) have progressed faster than antic­i­pated. The Digivi­sio 2030 programme will lead to increased collab­o­ra­tion between Finnish higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions. As a result of the Russian Federation’s war of aggres­sion against Ukraine, the signif­i­cance of the secu­rity of supply and energy has increased. Economic uncer­tainty has increased and inter­na­tional coop­er­a­tion rela­tion­ships have had to be reassessed.

Karelia’s vision 2030

Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences is a valued, pros­per­ous and inter­na­tional commu­nity in higher educa­tion. We are a central force in strength­en­ing the vital­ity of our oper­a­tional envi­ron­ment. We are known for high quality, inno­v­a­tive work, good results and highly compe­tent staff. Our students and part­ners rate their service expe­ri­ence as excel­lent. We are a strate­gi­cally networked expert at digital teach­ing and learning.



As an employer and a higher educa­tion commu­nity we operate in a respon­si­ble manner, promot­ing sustain­able devel­op­ment. We constantly eval­u­ate and develop the oper­a­tions of our univer­sity of applied sciences. We aim for an open oper­a­tional culture that follows the prin­ci­ples of open science and research.

Taking bold initiative

We are a compe­tent and inno­v­a­tive higher educa­tion commu­nity. We are proac­tive and take bold actions to strengthen the vital­ity of our area. Together with our part­ners we proudly show­case the North Kare­lian expertise. 

Prox­im­ity to working life

Our oper­a­tions are based on the devel­op­ment of regional work and economy and on promot­ing entre­pre­neur­ship. Our oper­a­tions empha­sise customer-orien­ta­tion, inter­ac­tion and partnership.

Strate­gic choices

Experts for the work life of tomorrow!

We provide seam­less, high-quality train­ing to produce experts with the skills needed in the work life, and strengthen entre­pre­neur­ship. We offer students clear and learner-centred options for skills devel­op­ment and degree comple­tion. We empha­sise guid­ance that supports learn­ing, well-being and a sense of commu­nity in learn­ing. We will strengthen the quality and attrac­tive­ness of the educa­tion through educa­tional profil­ing, close part­ner­ships and coop­er­a­tion and divi­sion of labour between higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions. We offer inno­v­a­tive and peda­gog­i­cally high-quality digital learn­ing content and imple­men­ta­tions. We provide customer-oriented contin­u­ous learn­ing services for indi­vid­u­als and commu­ni­ties in chang­ing work life and career paths. Through teach­ing coop­er­a­tion, we provide signif­i­cant added value to students from other higher educa­tion insti­tu­tions in our country. We strengthen the vital­ity of the region through bold, knowl­edge- and research-based openings. 

Educa­tion-based immi­gra­tion and internationalisation!

In coop­er­a­tion with busi­nesses, educa­tional organ­i­sa­tions and other part­ners in the region, will actively increase the educa­tional and labour immi­gra­tion. We will expand the foreign-language degree train­ing and retrain­ing and upgrad­ing of qual­i­fi­ca­tions to meet the labour market needs, includ­ing a strong empha­sis on Finnish language teach­ing and support for inte­gra­tion and employ­ment. We will develop inter­na­tional student recruit­ment to support study require­ments, employ­ment and local inte­gra­tion. We actively support the inter­na­tion­al­i­sa­tion of the region’s work communities.

We will increase the amount of inter­na­tional funding for research and devel­op­ment. Our inter­na­tional busi­ness will focus on prof­itable devel­op­ment projects, contract train­ing, commis­sioned educa­tion and student recruit­ment. We will build strate­gic, strong and long-term inter­na­tional higher educa­tional part­ner­ships. In our part­ner­ships and in the areas where we recruit students, we take into account the changes in the global situ­a­tion. We will create a truly inter­na­tional and networked higher educa­tion commu­nity in Karelia.

Sustain­able well-being!

We will develop flex­i­ble and effec­tive educa­tion solu­tions to improve the avail­abil­ity of skilled staff, espe­cially nurses, across the region. We will support the devel­op­ment of staff skills in a chang­ing service struc­ture. We will promote the renewal of work­place culture and first line manage­ment, as well as the conti­nu­ity of careers.

Together with our part­ners, we will inno­vate services and digital solu­tions that support sustain­able well-being. We work together to build research and devel­op­ment envi­ron­ments that enable deeper skills devel­op­ment, the deploy­ment of new tech­nolo­gies and user-driven product and service devel­op­ment. Our aim is to make North Karelia a leading region in age-friend­li­ness and the promo­tion of health and well-being.

Intel­li­gent produc­tion and services!

We work in multi­ple sectors to develop new indus­trial solu­tions and automa­tion of service processes with our part­ners in work life and busi­nesses. We will support the imple­men­ta­tion of advanced tech­nolo­gies and inno­va­tions to strengthen the busi­nesses’ growth and compet­i­tive­ness. We will inte­grate smart manu­fac­tur­ing skills into degree programmes, contin­u­ous learn­ing and research, devel­op­ment and innovation.

We will train people with compe­ten­cies in design­ing and deploy­ing AI-enabled services and appli­ca­tions. We will develop knowl­edge manage­ment skills in the degree programmes and contin­u­ous learn­ing. In our own processes we are at the fore­front of digi­tal­i­sa­tion, knowl­edge produc­tion and knowl­edge management.

Solu­tions for the green transition!

We will inte­grate green tran­si­tion solu­tions into all the teach­ing and activ­i­ties at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. We are commit­ted to the carbon neutral­ity goals of the city of Joensuu and North Karelia region.

We will promote new invest­ments, bold inno­va­tions and exports in our area through product and process devel­op­ment. We aim to be a national leader in climate-smart construc­tion, new energy solu­tions and energy effi­ciency. We will develop green tran­si­tion solu­tions in inter­na­tional networks together with our part­ners in work life and higher educa­tion institutions. 

Karelia 2030 Metro Map

Increas­ing the amount of degree programmes -> Open UAS 20 000 credits -> High school to UAS route -> Increas­ing contin­u­ous learn­ing -> New curric­ula 2022 -> Profes­sional produc­tion of digital content -> Career guid­ance services -> 75% of students grad­u­at­ing on sched­ule -> UAS Master’s Degrees 120 -> UAS Bachelor’s Degrees 740 -> 5% grad­u­at­ing as entre­pre­neurs -> Senior UAS -> Open UAS 30 000 credits -> UAS Master’s Degrees 150 -> UAS Bachelor’s Degrees 800

Degree Programme in Indus­trial Manage­ment 2020 -> Inter­na­tional networks in focus areas -> Renewed Degree Programme in Inter­na­tional Busi­ness 2021 -> ICT educa­tion launched 2022 -> Secondary educa­tion path for immi­grants -> Inter­na­tion­al­ity as a target for audit 2023 -> 1st Horizon project -> Member in the EUA network -> Inter­na­tional commer­cial activ­i­ties 0.5 M€ -> Inter­na­tional experts grad­u­ate to working life -> Immi­gra­tion services -> Inter­na­tional quality audit 2029 -> Inter­na­tional commer­cial activ­i­ties 0.5 M€ -> 450 Inter­na­tional degree students -> Inter­na­tional RDI funding 2,0 M€

Social and health care living lab for sparsely popu­lated areas -> Inter­na­tional networks for compe­tences in ageing -> Support­ing the social and health care service struc­ture renewal -> Elderly Care Profes­sion­als educa­tion starts 2022 -> Multi­dis­ci­pli­nary health commu­ni­ca­tion -> Active Ageing educa­tion starts 2023 -> Social and health care experts for sparsely popu­lated areas -> 1st Horizon project -> KAFS unit launches -> Service busi­ness 0,4 M€ -> RDI funding 1,0 M€ -> Inter­na­tional RDI funding 0,5 M€

Indus­try 4.0 demo envi­ron­ment -> Robotic process automa­tion (RPA) service prod­ucts -> A digital twin for build­ing automa­tion -> ICT Educa­tion starts 2022 -> Karelia processes auto­mated -> Knowl­edge manage­ment service prod­ucts -> Learn­ing envi­ron­ment for busi­ness -> Intel­li­gent automa­tion educa­tion -> Strate­gic inter­na­tional network -> Diploma studies -> Smart summer school -> 1st Horizon project -> Service busi­ness 0,4 M€ -> RDI funding 1,0 M€ -> Inter­na­tional RDI funding 0,5 M€

Strength­en­ing national and inter­na­tional networks -> Inter­na­tional semi­nars -> Carbon neutral solu­tions for build­ing and energy manage­ment -> Envi­ron­men­tal liabil­ity to curric­ula -> Modern­ized R&D and learn­ing envi­ron­ments -> 1st Horizon project -> Envi­ron­men­tal certi­fi­ca­tion 2024 -> RDI funding 1,0 M€ -> National pioneer in wood construc­tion -> Carbon neutral Karelia 2028 -> Service busi­ness 0,6 M€ -> RDI funding 2,0 M€ -> Inter­na­tional RDI funding 1,0 M€