Studying at Karelia UAS

Information for new students

On this Guide, you will find important information about starting the studies, housing, academic year etc.

Learning at Karelia UAS

At Karelia, we are commit­ted to devel­op­ing your skills through peda­gog­i­cal prin­ci­ples that we follow in the plan­ning, imple­men­ta­tion, assess­ment and devel­op­ment of teach­ing.

Bring Your Own Device

At Karelia UAS you will use your own computer for your studies.

opettaja ohjaa opiskelijoita
Kolme opiskelijaa keskustelee.

Entrepreneurship and studies

At Karelia UAS, you can combine your studies with your own business idea or with the development of your own business.

Student and alumni stories

Here you can find Karelia UAS students’ and alumni experiences about their studies and living in Joensuu.