Advice and study oppor­tu­ni­ties for Ukrainians

Guid­ance and Coun­selling Service SIMHE-Karelia

In response to the human­i­tar­ian crisis unfold­ing in Ukraine, Karelia Univer­sity of Applied Sciences offers services and study oppor­tu­ni­ties for Ukraini­ans. For the present, we do not charge tuition fees from Ukrain­ian students in our degree programmes.
In case you want to find out what study possi­bil­i­ties might suit for you, contact [email protected].

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Studies in Open UAS free of charge

These courses are meant for those who have applied for or have been granted tempo­rary protec­tion in Finland under the EU Tempo­rary Protec­tion Direc­tive or inter­na­tional protec­tion. These courses are free of charge. The offer consists Finnish language courses and courses in English, which are suit­able for anyone with suffi­cient language and other skills.

Summer Semes­ter Courses 

The enrol­ment on studies is done online with the appli­ca­tion form in the course description.

Study Path Programme

Study Path Programme offers you a possi­bil­ity to study towards degree as an open UAS student. After complet­ing 30 credit points of the study programme you can apply for the admis­sion as a degree student. Regis­tra­tion for Study Path Programme is organ­ised every August. The Study Path Programme is free of charge for people with tempo­rary protec­tion in Finland. 

Regis­tra­tion for Study Path Programme in Autumn 2024 is organ­ised in August. The exact timing will be noti­fied later. Please note the regis­tra­tion is open only for 24 hours.

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Appli­ca­tion process for the Ukrain­ian students and staff is continuous

  • Please contact Erasmus+ coor­di­na­tor Katri­ina Korho­nen or Inter­na­tional Officer Antonia Stavri­dou at [email protected]
    • to check up your eligi­bil­ity for Erasmus+
    • to get more infor­ma­tion and to apply
    • to select courses and complete your learn­ing agree­ment (students) or mobil­ity agree­ment (staff), and the grant agreement

Sepa­rate study rights in Bachelor’s degree programmes

Karelia can grant sepa­rate study rights in certain bachelor’s degree programmes to Ukrain­ian degree students. This study oppor­tu­nity is aimed at students who have an exist­ing, valid right to study at a Ukrain­ian univer­sity, and whose studies have been discon­tin­ued due to the war. Ukrain­ian students will get a grant based on human­i­tar­ian ground so that they do not need to pay the tuition fees.

Sepa­rate study rights will be granted based on the compat­i­bil­ity of appli­cants’ earlier studies with those offered by Karelia. Appli­cants must satisfy specific acad­e­mic and language require­ments. Karelia offers also Finnish language studies online. Appli­ca­tion period is ongoing until 13 August 2023 at 23:59 pm (UTC+3). Read more and fill in the application: 

Degree Programme in Inter­na­tional Business

Degree Programme in Indus­trial Management

Inter­na­tional Business

The Degree Programme in Inter­na­tional Busi­ness enables you to develop exper­tise required in global busi­ness. The main focus of the studies is on inter­na­tional market­ing as a part of success­ful business. 

Indus­trial Management

The four-year degree gives you strong exper­tise in intel­li­gent produc­tion, sales, product and service life cycle manage­ment, and in team and project lead­er­ship. The major inter­na­tional busi­ness part­ners of our univer­sity partic­i­pate actively in the training. 

Karelia`s Ukraine Group

The Ukraine Group coor­di­nates the needs, measures and infor­ma­tion related to the crisis in Ukraine. The group is chaired by Rector Petri Raivo.