Daeyang University Campus Malawi


Logos of institutions in Mazafi-network

MaZaFi is a network of a Finnish consortium with two Malawian and two Zambian higher education institutions in health care, particularly nursing, public health nursing and midwifery. The consortium has received Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (KA171) funding from the Finnish National Agency for Education since 2016 to support reciprocal student and staff exchanges and capacity building among the institutions. With minor changes, the network has worked together to enhance the quality of nursing education and enable professional development and multicultural understanding since 2005.

The participating institutions are:

Current project funding

1.8.2022 – 31.7.2025; 1.8.2023 – 31.7.2026 / Erasmus+ KA171 International Credit Mobility

More information about the funding instrument:
Erasmus+ global mobility for higher education, general information
Erasmus+ ICM Handbook for Partner Countries
Erasmus Student Charter – your entitlements, obligations and duties as an Erasmus+ student before, during and after the mobility period!

Student and staff exchanges

The Erasmus+ project funds student and staff exchanges between higher education institutions in Finland and Malawi, and Finland and Zambia. The length of student exchanges is 2-3 months and the mobility periods can include studies and clinical practice. The staff exchanges normally last 7 – 14 days and consist of e.g. lectures, workshops, discussions and co-creation with colleagues. The funding covers the costs of flight tickets, insurance, and living costs in Finland for incoming students and staff. Students with fewer opportunities (e.g. students with under-aged children) are eligible for a top-up grant.

This project does not fund Finnish students’ exchange periods to Malawi or Zambia. However, there are other funding options for them. More information is available at their home institution’s international office.

Students and staff members interested in the project should contact their home institution. The home institution coordinator informs about application times for exchange. After the internal selection, the home institution nominates the candidates to the partner university abroad. There is a separate application process for incoming exchange students to Karelia (link to Karelia’s incoming exchange student website) and Metropolia (link to Metropolia’s incoming exchange student website). The contact persons below support students in the application process and in preparations for the exchange period.

Contact persons

Karelia: Katriina Korhonen, Administrative Coordinator of MaZaFi project, katriina.korhonen(at)karelia.fi, mobility(at)karelia.fi
Kirsi Tanskanen, Lecturer, Departmental International Coordinator, kirsi.tanskanen(at)karelia.fi
Metropolia: Katariina Alava, International Relations Advisor, katariina.alava(at)metropolia.fi, Aija Ahokas, Senior Lecturer, Manager of Education Export, aija.ahokas(at)metropolia.fi
KUHeS: Dr Genesis Chorwe, Executive Dean, School of Nursing, gchorwe (at) kuhes.ac.mw
Daeyang University: Esther Bauleni-Chaluka, Dean of Nursing, baulenie (at) dyuni.ac.mw
Lusaka: Priscar Sakala-Mukonka, Head, pmukonka(at)yahoo.com
Livingstone: Loveness Moonde, Lecturer, livingstoneschoolofnursing(at)gmail.com

Student and staff experiences

Mayamiko, Daeyang University, exchange at Metropolia 2022
Metropolia lecturers’ Instagram account @lehtoritgoesafrica
Karelia student in Malawi 2023 Instagram @mikkiksenmatkassa
Karelia students in Malawi 2019 Youtube Tuomas ja Ville goes Malawi (in Finnish)
Karelia students in Livingstone 2022 @harkkasambiassa
Metropolia students’ article in Tehy journal, 2022 (in Finnish)