study in Finnish

Rolling admission

Rolling admission is a new way to apply to Karelia UAS for degree studies. We work with trusted educational agents around the world in order to give talented prospective students opportunity to start the professional future at Karelia UAS. It provides you with a prompt admission which gives you time to prepare for your studies at Karelia UAS. Studies begin in August 2025.

Application period

11 November 2024 – 28 February 2025

Offered degree programmes and study places available at rolling admission:

Bachelor of Engineering, Degree Programme in Industrial Management, number of study places: 55

Bachelor of Engineering, Degree Programme in Information and Communication Technology, number of study places: 80

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Degree Programme in International Business, number of study places: 55

Applications arriving after that will not be considered. Applicants are not placed to the waiting list anymore.

Application instructions

Apply during the application period. Application form will be available during the application period.

Fill in the application form here (Application form opens on 11 November 2024 at 12.00 Finnish time)

Application period for Degree Programme in International Business has ended on 22 November 2024 at 15.00 Finnish time due to high number of applications.

You can fill in only one application form and apply only one degree programme in the rolling admission.

The admission process is based on rolling admission. Once the study places have been fulfilled, new applications are not considered. Applicants are not placed to the waiting list anymore.

Only complete applications will be processed in order of arrival. Applications are considered to be completed when application forms have been sent, and all necessary attachments are attached to it. Attachments must be uploaded by 7 March 2025. Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements and student admission criteria. Study places will be offered to the eligible applicants who meet the admission criteria in the order of arrival.

The result of the student selection will be informed by emails as soon as the application has been processed.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants must have completed a degree that provides eligibility for higher education studies in the awarding country in question. Degrees must be completed by 10 July 2025.

Required documents to be attached to the application form:

  • Copies of the final graduation certificates and transcripts of records.
  • If the documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, official translations in one of those languages must be enclosed to the application form. Translations must be signed and stamped by authorized translators.
  • A copy of a valid passport or official identity card.

Student admission criteria

Two student selection methods are used. You can’t choose the selection method by yourself but you will be considered for all suitable selection methods automatically. Please read the detailed instructions for the selection methods below.

  • Certificate-based student selection (Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and Vietnam) and English language certificate
  • SAT test

Accepting the study place, tuition fee, starting the studies

Information on accepting the study place will be sent by emails to accepted students. Tuition fee is 9 000 – 10 000 euros in academic year. Accepted students will receive two emails.  

1) Email with Study place offer from Studyinfo. Study place is accepted electronically by using the link in the email. 

2) Email from Karelia UAS (sent from [email protected]). Email includes signed acceptance letter and tuition fee payment instructions. 

Important notes for applicants:

  • Offered study place must be accepted within 7 days from the study place offer. 
  • Early bird priced tuition fee, which is -20% of full first-year tuition fee, is available when applicant accepts the study place within 7 days and pays the tuition fee within 20 days
  • If tuition fee is not paid within 20 days, early bird priced fee is not available anymore. Tuition fee must be paid within 45 days from the study place offer.  

Read more about the tuition fees, early bird price tuition fee and scholarships here.

Studies will begin in August 2025. Please, see the Information for New Students for further information.

In case of any questions, please contact [email protected]