Karelia UAS Sustainable Development and Responsibility Programme


This is the Karelia UAS community’s sustainable development and responsibility programme. By implementing the programme, we make Karelia more sustainable and responsible together. Responsibility is one of our three values (responsibility, pioneering spirit, working life orientation). Our efforts to act responsibly and promote sustainable development as an employer and university community are based on our values and strategy

All universities of applied sciences are committed to Arene’s (the Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences) programme for sustainable development and responsibility, which also provides a framework for Karelia’s corresponding programme. In Karelia’s programme, we consider the ecological, social, cultural and economic dimension from the perspective of our university community, our education activities and our research, development and innovation activities. Responsibility means, among other things, that our operations in the Karelia university community are open and transparent. 

A maturity level description has been prepared for each of the Arene programme themes (education, RDI, management and competent personnel, carbon footprint). The descriptions are available on Arene’s website. Universities of applied sciences carried out a self-assessment of maturity levels at the end of 2022. There are five maturity levels (beginning, progressing, controlled, advanced, strategic). Universities of applied sciences were also asked about their maturity level goal in 2025 and their means to achieve it. In Karelia, we have assessed our operations to level three, and our goal is to achieve level four by 2025. We describe the measures to achieve this goal in Karelia’s sustainable development and responsibility programme. 

The sustainability and responsibility work of universities of applied sciences is guided by the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the sustainable development guidelines by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. Universities of applied sciences have a special task of building a sustainable way of life through education and research, development and innovation activities (RDI). This can be done together with talented and sustainability-oriented staff and students. 

Karelia’s sustainable development and responsibility programme was published 14.2.2023. It has been built with a management and staff pilot group since spring 2022, and the entire staff and students had the opportunity to participate in the preparation of the programme at the end of 2022. The programme is a worksheet consisting of tables, and we continuously assess the implementation of its measures in the planning, operation, assessment and development cycle in accordance with Karelia’s quality management. The programme will be our tool until the end of 2030. We update the programme annually, taking into account the implemented measures and development areas. Karelia’s Sustainable Development and Responsibility Team is responsible for updating the programme and coordinating its implementation. The team promotes, develops and coordinates Karelia’s sustainable development and responsibility activities. 

We communicate and report about the implementation of the programme both to our university community and external stakeholders in accordance with Karelia’s communication principles. 

Let’s work together to make the future more sustainable. 

Karelia UAS’ community 

Karelia UAS’ community refers to Karelia’s staff and students. The tables in this section describe the environmental, social and cultural and economic responsibility choices concerning Karelia’s university community. The tables list the responsibility actions related to each responsibility choice taken in Karelia and the goals and development areas to promote the responsibility choices. Responsible parties have been defined for promoting and monitoring the responsibility choices. The responsibility choices are tied to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

Responsibility choices

  • We aim for a balanced and stable economy. We pay attention to economic risk management. 
  • We comply with the principles of good administration. Our operations are open and transparent. 
  • Our operations are of high quality. We act in a resource-wise and sustainable manner. 
  • We are a safe and responsible university community that promotes well-being. 
  • We treat all members of our community equally and equitably. 
  • We encourage our university community to engage in continuous learning and development. 
  • We participate in and influence social debate. 
  • We strive to implement environmental responsibility comprehensively. 
  • Our campus commutes and work or study trips are done responsibly and sustainably. 
  • Our everyday at the campus is sustainable. 

Economic responsibility

Responsibility choices Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas  Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We aim for a balanced and stable economy. We pay attention to economic risk management. – Karelia’s strategy 2030 – reviewed and updated
– Performance target decided by the Board: the economic performance target is positive 
– Economic monitoring
– Management of operations based on performance indicators 
– Procurement: procurement guidelines 
– Investment guidelines 
– Security management 
– Risk assessment portal: reputational risks, business continuity risks
– Environmental security 
– Positive economic performance target
– Responsibility reporting
– Development and strengthening of international business (TASO) 
– Management Team
– Director of Administration and Finance
– Security Manager
– Expanding continuous learning services (TASO)
We comply with the principles of good administration. Our operations are open and transparent. – Operational RegulationsDegree RegulationsUniversity Regulations 
– Training for the Management Team, the Board and office holders
– Decisions made by the Board and office holders are open to staff through Dynasty
– Internal audit plan, implementation and reporting to the Board and the Group 
– Principle of open science and research: we open research results for use and communicate about them extensively 
– Data management model
– Electronic archiving 
– Management Team
– Director of Administration and Finance
– Monitoring of the Ministry of Education and Culture indicator: publications, utilisation plans
Our operations are of high quality. 
We act in a resource-wise and sustainable manner. 
– Quality Team’s established operations 
– Key processes are described
– Participation in an external audit every six years
– Feedback surveys for students, stakeholders and staff
– Annual management reviews
– Continuous development of operational processes 
– Principle of subsidiarity
– Procurement: consideration of ecological, social and economic impacts (procurement guidelines
– Responsible investing
– Needs assessment in procurement
– Better utilisation of artificial intelligence
– Management Team
– Quality Team
– Director of Administration and Finance

Social and cultural responsibility

Responsibility choices  Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas  Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We are a safe and responsible university community that promotes well-being. – Well-being at work group and programme 
– Occupational health care  
– Active caring model 
– Karelia’s Safety Guide 2022 
– Crisis Response Guidelines 
– Strategic staff plan
– Safer space guidelines 
– Sustainable development and responsibility programme
– Principles of multi-location work  
– Smartum vouchers for staff 
– SYKETTÄ activities  
– Well-being theme weeks 
– FSHS’s services for students
– Student Union POKA’s activities supporting community spirit and grouping
-VIP activities: a caring atmosphere
-Student well-being working group 
Student’s Quality Guide 
– Student Welfare Officers 
POKA’s Code of Conduct 
Karelia’s guidance and well-being plan for students 
SDGs made visible in all the organisation’s programmes and plans 
– HR Manager
– Sustainable Development and Responsibility Team
– Security Team
– Well-being at work group
– Student well-being working group
We treat all members of our community equally and equitably.– Gender Equality and Equity Plan
– Community rules and ethical principles
– Person responsible for equality and equity appointed  
– Multicultural and international community
– “Discrimination-free zone” and anti-racism activities  
– Strategy is committed to promoting the open science operating culture
– Vipunen: open access to information
– Ethical and transparent communications
– Accessibility plan 
– Accessibility on campuses 

– Regular communications
– More English-language materials for degree students
– Management Team
– HR Manager
– Well-being at work group
– Strengthening student well-being and improving completion rates (TASO)
We encourage our university community to engage in continuous learning and development.– Work community development plan
– Career programme
– Competence development tools
– Competence management
– Free Open UAS studies for staff
– Performance appraisals
– Orientation (Intro system)
– Declaration for Open Science and Research
– Publications
– Development of staff’s competence in sustainable development and responsibility, Arene’s worksheet
– Inclusion of sustainable development and responsibility competence in performance appraisals and orientation
HR Manager
We participate in and influence social debate.– National and regional expert working group work and expert statements
– Publications, projects and theses
– Representation in Arene’s working groups on sustainable development
– Declaration for Open Science and Research
Annual publication goal

Environmental responsibility

Responsibility choices  Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas  Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We strive to implement environmental responsibility comprehensively.
Carbon neutral solutions!
– Commitment to the City of Joensuu’s and North Karelia’s low-carbon objectives
– Carbon neutrality by 2028
– Arene’s goal
– Continuous development of energy efficiency: solar panels and renovating the Wärtsilä campus to be more energy efficient
– Development of carbon neutral solutions
– Consideration of the City of Joensuu’s climate programme
– More energy efficient operation
– Management Team
– Sustainable Development and Responsibility Team
Our campus commutes and work or study trips are done responsibly and sustainably.– Employee bikes
– Campus bikes 
– Travel guidelines 
– Principles of multi-location work
– Public transport route guide in use in the Tuudo application
– Development of monitoring/measurement (Arene’s maturity assessment)
– Introduction of a carbon roadmap
– Reduction in commuting
– Community’s, POKA’s and SYKETTÄ theme weeks
– Remote, on-site and hybrid model of students
– HR Services
– Accounting Services
– Facility Services
Our everyday at the campus is sustainable.– Campus restaurants operate more responsibly and sustainably
– More efficient use of facilities
– Development of the circular economy and recycling
– Fairtrade products – staff coffee rooms -> investigation in progress
– Development of the circular economy and recycling
– Taking biodiversity into account
– Minimisation of waste
– Reduction of energy consumption
– Introduction of a carbon roadmap
– Support for environmentally friendly meals
– Reduction of paper consumption, electronic archiving
– Facility Services
– Director of Administration and Finance
– Information Management
– Campus restaurants (Compass Group), the Restaurant Committee

Education activities

The tables in this section describe Karelia’s education activities’ environmental, social and cultural and economic responsibility choices that are related to one or more of the Karelia 2030 strategy’s choices. The tables list the responsibility actions related to each responsibility choice taken in Karelia and the goals and development areas to promote the responsibility choices. Responsible parties have been defined for promoting and monitoring the responsibility choices. The responsibility choices are tied to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

Responsibility choices

  • We support the growth and competitiveness of companies and organisations through education activities. 
  • We strengthen and support the vitality of the region through education and education-based immigration. 
  • We promote sustainable development competence, knowledge and attitudes through education. 

Economic responsibility

Responsibility choices Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We support the growth and competitiveness of
companies and organisations through education activities.

Experts for the work life of tomorrow
– Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees
– Continuous Learning Team
– Working life oriented training through continuous learning and service business
– Working life cooperation
– Achievement of degree goals
– Increase in sustainable development and responsibility training in the continuous learning offering
– Development of partnerships around sustainable development training
– Head of Continuous Learning
– Vice President
– Head of Educational Development
– Introduction of smart automation education and research environments (TASO)
– Expanding continuous learning services  (TASO)

Social and cultural responsibility

Responsibility choices Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We strengthen and support the vitality of the region through education and education-based immigration.


Education-based immigration and internationalisation
Experts for the work life of tomorrow
Sustainable well-being in a sparsely populated area
– Training talent for the needs of the region’s working life and its development
– Supporting the continuous learning of the region’s companies and population
– Supporting the availability of skilled employees and services also outside administrative centres
– Enabling living outside growth centres
– Expanding international degree education
– Flexible opportunities for continuous learning
– Reliable partner register
– International risk analysis
– Ethical risk analysis
– Development of remote and blended learning opportunities
– Heads of Education
– Head of Internationalisation
– Vice President
– Head of Educational Development
– Meeting the workforce and competence needs of the social welfare and health care sector (TASO)
– Strengthening international degree programmes and supporting education-based immigration (TASO)

Environmental responsibility

Responsibility choices  Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We promote sustainable development competence, knowledge and attitudes through education.
Experts for the work life of tomorrow
Solutions for the green transition
– Competence in sustainable development as a competence requirement for all degrees
– Environmental responsibility included in all curricula
– Sustainable development and responsibility competence offering at the Open UAS
– Climate change and solutions related to mitigating it are considered in the implementation of education
– Promoting sustainable campus life with students
– National pioneer in wood and low-carbon construction
– Person responsible for sustainable curriculum work (Arene’s maturity assessment) and continuous development of curricula
– Measurement and assessment of education measures
– Development of the sustainable development and responsibility offering at the Open UAS
– Vice President
– Education Development Team
– Development of wood and low-carbon construction (TASO)
– Head of Education responsible for the strategic choice

Research, development and innovation activities

The tables in this section describe Karelia’s research, development and innovation activities’ (RDI) environmental, social and cultural and economic responsibility choices that are also related to the Karelia 2030 strategy’s choices. The tables list the responsibility actions related to each responsibility choice taken in Karelia and the goals and development areas to promote the responsibility choices. Responsible parties have been defined for promoting and monitoring the responsibility choices. The responsibility choices are tied to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

  • We implement RDI activities economically, to a high-quality standard and in a sustainable manner. 
  • Our research and learning environments are economically sustainable. 
  • We promote the sustainable well-being of the region through RDI activities and research and learning environments. 
  • We increase the number of sustainable development experts in the region and promote environmental innovation. 
  • We implement projects ecologically. 
  • We build research and learning environments in a sustainable manner and operate ecologically in them. 

Economic responsibility

Responsibility choices Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We implement RDI activities economically, to a high-quality standard and in a sustainable manner.– Risk management
– Budgeting; foresight
– Quality management
– Support services and processes (in the intranet) for applying for funding
– International partners and network
– Knowledge-based management
– Guide to open RDI activities
Closer cooperation with working life in RDI activities– Research and Development Director
– RDI Support Services
– Project Managers
– Strengthening international research and development funding (TASO)
Our research and learning environments are economically sustainable.


Intelligent production and services
– Investment planning that considers the sustainability and life cycle perspective
– Attachment to all Karelia’s core functions and service business
– Procurement guidelines
Improvement of life cycle thinking– Research and Development Director
– Heads of Education
– RDI Support Team and Services
– Development and productisation of Karelia’s research and learning environments  (TASO)

Social and cultural responsibility

Responsibility choices Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We promote the sustainable well-being of the region through RDI activities and research and learning environments.


Intelligent production and services

Sustainable well-being in a sparsely populated area

Experts for the work life of tomorrow
– Simula and Tarmo: we offer well-being services to the region’s residents and working life
– Tulevaisuuden työ learning environments are available to the region’s companies
– Living Lab research concept
– Closer cooperation with working life in RDI activities
– We develop continuous learning studies in “soft skills” competence
– Management Team
– Research and Development Director
– RDI Support Team and Services

Environmental responsibility

Responsibility choices Responsibility actions. What has been done in Karelia?Goals and development areas Responsibility for assessing progressUN Sustainable Development Goals – 2030 Agenda
We increase the number of sustainable development experts
in the region and promote environmental innovation.
Experts for the work life of tomorrow
Solutions for the green transition
Intelligent production and services
– Training and coaching provided by the projects for companies and stakeholders
– Supporting education in the implementation of competence-based teaching in sustainable development
– Project portfolios
– Low-carbon construction, permanent model
– Development of ecological aspects in environments and provision of services
Develop and implement teaching, training and coaching– Research and Development Director
– RDI Support Team and Services
– Heads of Education
– Development of wood and low-carbon construction (TASO)
We implement projects ecologically.– Travel guidelines
– Procurement guidelines
– Funder requirements (DNSH)
– RDI processes developed from the environmental perspective (initiation, implementation)
– Development of Reportronic: icons,
concrete actions and indicators
– Research and Development Director
– RDI Support Team and Services
We build research and learning environments in a sustainable manner and operate ecologically in them.
Solutions for the green transition
Intelligent production and services
– Energy park
– Wood construction laboratory
– Simula
– Tarmo
– Construction laboratory
– Product and production development for the plastic and metal industry
– Precision engineering laboratory
– Dynamo
– Tulevaisuuden työ learning environments
– Procurement guidelines
Competitive tendering: guidelines on how to choose and from whom to request tenders– Research and Development Director
– Heads of Education
– RDI Support Team and Services
– Development and productisation of Karelia’s research and learning environments (TASO)